Chapter Two: Hell Continues

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I sat out side in the corner of the pavement. My knees were puled up to my chest.

"Hey Gabby. You Okay?" Sadie asked walking over and sitting down

"Yeah. Where is Isabella?" I said trying to change the subject. Sadie didn't notice at all.

"I think she left during second period." She told me 

My smile faded as soon as it appeared. Dallas and his little side hoe were walking tword us.

"Hey Sadie." Dallas said smiling,"Do you mind if we steal Gabby for a sec. Thanks." 

He yanked me by my wrist roughly. I was dragged to the feild.

"You never answered my question." Dallas said looking into my eyes.

"What question?" I said pretending to have forgotten

"Do you know what snitches get?" Dallas grinned as he gave me a sucker punch to the stomach.

A single tear fell from my eye. Jada and Dallas were grinning and laughing then grabbed my arm and brought me back to Sadie.

"Gab..You okay?" She asked as she saw me clutch my aching stomach

"She's fine. Just caught a cramp." Jada said.

Sadie shot her a smile and they walked off.

Her smile fell as they turned away, "Now, what really happened."

"J-just a-a c-ramp." I stuttered.

She looked as if she didn't belive.

The school day went by pretty fast knowing i had no other classes with Jada and Dallas.

The final bell rang. I walked to the bus and got in the very front seat.

"Oh, Your on the bus today.?" Dallas asked. 

"No..Really.." I said looking at him

He smacked me and slid in my seat.

"I will make your life horrible." He said nastily.

I shut my mouth and grabbed my Harry Potter and The Goblet Of Fire and began to read. 

I read and read while i ignored Dallas hitting on Jada 


Ew .

The bus pulled to my bus stop and I ran to my door and hurried inside.

"Hey mom." I yelled running up to my room.

"Hey hun" i heard my mom yell before i slammed my door and grabed my stuffed animal. I grabbed my razor and locked myself in the bathroom. I rolled up my sleves and put a clean cut across my wrist. I looked at them in horror. The cuts were gettin deeper and deeper as the days go on. 

"Gab, some one is at the door can you get it im on the phone." My mom yelled through the door.

"Fine." I said rolling down my sleeves.

I ran downstairs and looked through the peep hole.

To my suprise there was an attractive boy at the front door. I swung the door open.

"Hi" he said, " Im Thomas."

"Hi." I replyed shyly," Y-you can call me G-Gabby."

"What a pretty name." He said,"may i come in."

"O-of course." i stood out the way and let him in

My mom came down as i shut the door.

"Hi im Rose, Gabby's mom." My mother explained.

"I'm Thomas my family just moved next door." He said smiling.

"Would you like some milk and cookies?" Mom asked 

"Yes please." He said 

"Okay gab you want any?" She turned to me. I nodded.

"okay be right back." 

"I apoligize for my mother." I told him smiling as my face turned a bright pink.

"No! She seems nice." He said grinning back at me.

"Here you go warm cookies and milk." She said placing a plate of cookies on the tabel and two galsses of milk.

"Okay nice meeting you i have to go now "She said 

"Wait mom!" I said stopping her.

"Yes hunny?" she asked grabbing her purse.

"Why didn't you pick me up from school?!" I asked," you were home when i got here."

" I ended up getting the dates confused and its tommorrow so you have to ride it again tomorrow." she told me smiling.

I glared at her as she walked out the room.

"whats so bad about the bus?" Thomas asked.

"i..just get claustraphobic." I lied


i hate lying

but i keep doing it

He smiled at me and ate a cookie.

We chatted for about another hour.

"Well i gotta go i'll see you on the bus tommorow i guess.."

"yeah i guess bye." i smiled and waved

He walked out the house closing the door behind him.

I fell back on my couch. Ugh. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

"Get up child." my mother yelled.

"fine." i got up and went showered and changed into a white shirt and Blue pants. i threw my jacket over my head and slipped it over my arms.

I waved to my mom as i ran out side to wait for the bus. She refused to drive me.

"Hey gabby." Thomas said

"Oh you remembered my name." i said blushing.

He smiled and blushed.

The bus pulled up.

I got on and Dallas looked at me and then looked at Thomas. A smirk apeared on his face as he beconed Thomas to the back of the bus.

Oh this will be alot of fun...

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⏰ Last updated: May 10, 2014 ⏰

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