Must Go Back To The Future!

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"Fine." Then i blacked out.


I was walking around. I saw Aidou and Akatsuki. "Hey Aidou!" "What?!" "I heard that Princess Jenny has the power to use time travel." "AIDOU!" I yell tackling him. "Woah!" "Wait Aidou you look older. So do you Akatsuki." "I say pulling Akatsuki down and inspecting them fully."Princess Kuran what are you doing out here?! Your suppose to be inside!" "Why?" "Your under house arrest!" "WHY?!" "You took a big number of lifes of other vampires! And you almost Killed Lord Kaname and Princess Yuuki!" "What Made Me Do That!?" "I dont know! Go ask yourself!" 


"Are you ok?!" "i-im fine. Where am? What time is it? What year?!" "Your at cross. Its almost time for class. And its 2014. Why?" "I had a dream. Well i think i actually went into the future. I was under house arrest." "Why?" "I killed alot of vampires and i almost killed you and Yuuki." "Why?" "I dont know. I was going to ask my future self but my 'Dream' ended." "Are you sure it was a dream Sis?" "No. I think I went to the Future. What hurt me the most was that i was under house arrest." I say giggling. "Jenny!" "What?! And dont yell in my ear!" "This Is Not A Laughing Matter!" "I know. Maybe i can try to use my powers again and go back to where i was." "Right. lets try it." "Okie!" I yell putting my fingers on my temples. "make sure you concentrate on what time yuo want to go to." "Ok. I want us to go to... Hmm. We would be about 17 in human. So i want to go 10 years in the future!" It all went black again.

When i awoke i was right beside Kaname. We were right outside the Night Class dorms. "Kaname. Kaname. KANAME!" I yell shaking him. "What was that?!" "I dont know. lets go check it out." "Oh. Kaname. Wake up!" I scream shaking him. "Who are you?!" "Im Jenny Kuran and This is my Brother Kaname Kuran. Have a problem with that?" I said. Then i look at them. It was Aido and Akatsuki. Just 10 years older looking. "Are you sure. You look a little young looking compared to Princess and Prince Kuran. Akatsuki imma go check in with King Kuran." "Um Excuse me but who is King Kuran?" "Him." They say pointing to a older looking Kaname. "Who are you?" "Im. Jenny Kuran. But i came from the past. And this is Kaname Kuran from the past. Were from 10 years ago." i tell him. "I dont believe you. Prove it." "Hmm. Im not sure. But if Princess Jenny was here. I now who she liked other than her brother. 10 years ago." "Kain. Go get My sister. The twin." "Yes King Kaname." He said bowing then rushing into the NightClass dorms.

He comes back out like 5 minutes later. Pulling the future me. And she was in pureblood proof restraints. "ehh Becareful thats me in the Future!" I yell at him. So he throws her on the ground infront of me. On the exact side that she landed on I felt it. "Careful." I hiss grabbing my side. She also had her eyes covered and a towel in her mouth... "Why am i tied up!?" " 'You' took too many lives of innocent vampires. Older Kaname Growled. I look down and Kaname from my time is still passed out. I raise my hand up and smack him on the face. It also hurts to future Kaname. "Dont Do That Again!" He hissed. "hmm. Jenny where are we?" "The future. Now Tell Yourself To Untie Me!" "Why are you tied up?" "I took lives of innocent Vampires." "Ok. But how many?" "339." "Wow. Now i know you couldnt be able to do that. Your to harmless. You couldnt hurt someone. Untie her." "Hmm. Since your me. Fine." He says then unties the future me. First thing she does when she gets untied is tackle me.

It looks like she was trying to kill me. But i guess she was.. Just.....


 "Get her off her!" "Yes King Kaname." Hanabusa says then takes future me off me. I just sit back up. "So why was i brought out here?" "To make sure that that was really us in the past. But now that i think of it. I do look like a future him." Future Kaname says right next to my time Kaname. "And i look like her." Other me says walking around me. "Now how do we make sure its really us?" "I know who you liked 10 years ago. That wasnt Kaname." "O really?" "Zero Kiryuu." I whisper. "Nope." "Oh. Ichiru Kiryuu." i say louder. "Mm hmm." "What?! About what month?! What Day?! What Time?!" "Umm. August.... 1st..... I think 7:30 He told me to meet him at the swan fountian. Then he said that he liked me. But i actually liked him before i met Zero. Even though i only met Zero when the nightclass was first formed. I was working with shizuka. He fell inlove with her. But she died. And i guess we became his second chose." She tells me. Both Kanames growl. "Well. Kaname we should be leaving. If i know how." "Ok." He says standing next to me. "Bye Bye!" She yells to me. "Bye!" I yell. Then it goes black.

I woke up infront of the nightclass gates again. this time it was normal time. "What Day Is it!" "Friday." "Not what I Meant!" "Its the 1st." "of?..." "August." "What time is it?!" "Umm. Its 7:25." "So i have any mail?" "Whats with all the questions Jen? And yes a note. From avampire hunter. He wants you to meet him at the swan fountain." "BYE!" I Yell running off to the swan fountain.


Hmmm her working with Shizuka... Wait to read what happens next. Comment if you want me to continue. Plz vote.

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