Uncle your Back.

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So when i woke up i reliezed that Kaname was holding me. I was wrapped up in the blanket like i was a catapillier in a cacoon..... If he didnt have such a hard grip around me i could get out. But nooooo someone wants to be protective. Geez im starting to sound like a little kid....... I looked at Kaname and reliezed he was smiling at me. "Why are you smiling?" I asked him nevously. "Because your pouting. Just like a kid would do." "Meh. Now let go so i can goto my room!" "Not in what your wearing." "Why." I look down. "Nevermind. Can i borrow sometin?" "Sure." I quickly flashed into his black button-up shirt and a pair of his jeans. "Thanks. Ill return them in a while." I state. "You look really good. Now if only you do your hair up. Then you would be a female me on a lazy day." "I am like a female you. Im your fricken twin!" I started to put my hair in a ponytail. Then i walk out before he says anything else. I bump into Ruka. She was heading to Kaname's room. She was glaring dagers at me. "Why are you in his clothing?!" She growled. "Because i went to his room last night to sleep and since the dare i got yesterday and yeah. My Onii-san was just trying to protect me from the eyes of a pervert!" "Sure." "Go ask him Yourself!" "I will!" After that she went to his room and in about 5 minutes of Kaname yelling and her yellingish back at him she came out. "Im sorry Ms.Kuran." "I told you So!" I said like a little kid, Then retreated to my room to change. After i changed i went to take Kaname's cloths back to him. I knock on the door..... Hmmm. I opened the after no reply. "No ones here. Now where did he run off to?" I was talking to myself.... "IM GOING INSANE!!!!!" "Found her." "Hello." "Nice to see you again." "Its really nice to see you again Uncle Rido!!" I yell hugging him. "I thought you would have died because of that stupid twin of yours Jen." I just laughed at that. "He's not stupid Uncle." "He thinks he can beat me. How stupid do you think he is." "But he could now. He's gotting alot stronger since then!" I yell deffencivly at him. "Has he ever had Drink of your blood?" "Yes. SO What!?" "Your Blood is magic." "Anddd your point is???" "It is what's making him stronger. STOP Feeding Him." "I Dont Have To Listen To You Rido!" "Rido Leave NOW!" "How are you gonna make me." "This." HE says moving quickly and grabbing me and moving me too. All i see after that is Zero shoot his bloody rose. "Wheres Yuuki At?!" I yell in a mother-freaking-because-she-lost-her-child-somewheres voice. "She's safe with Hanabusa and Kain." "I Dont think she is. Take ME To Her!" "Ok." So Kaname ran me there. Yuuki wasnt ok. Rido was towering over her. He had some cuts on him that wouldnt heal. And he had his hand on Yuuki's neck. "LET HER GO! SHE HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS UNCLE RIDO! ILL GO WITH YOU IF YOU LET HER GO!" I screech.

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