Tour With Carter Reynolds

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Samantha's p.o.v
Hi, I'm Samantha Waters and I am 17 years old. I attend at Southern Brooks High School which is in the middle where pretty much. I live in California. The far, far far southern part of California. Small town. Not many people live here, maybe a couple hundred. But not much. I haven't left this town. At all. Here is everything I need. House, School, the little cafe that is usually crowded and a medium sized Walmart. It may be all I need, but it's not what I want. I want to live in L.A! The Beach, warm sand, loud music, cute boys. Everything a normal teenage girl usually asks for. But nope! I'm stuck here in this boring place. I live in a decent house though. I have a 6 year old sister and I live with my mom. My single mom. My dad left us right when my sister was born, we don't talk about him much. My mom is usually gone. She works at some weird computer place (that I don't give a crap about) and they usually travel. So right now she is in New York. My sister is with my grandma until my mom comes home, which is in a month I think. But yea, my mom and I aren't that close. My sister is too young to really talk to about my feelings. So I have my best fried Kaitlyn. I have known her since I was 4. So we are super close! Anyways...Kaitlyn and I are in love with these boys. NO! Not boys, angles. We are in love with these angels that are from this thing called Magcon. If you don't know what that is...look it up(:
Right now I am home alone, of course. Kaitlyn said she would be here in about 20 minutes. So I'm just sitting on the couch with Jake (my adorable dog) until she arrives.
*bark* *bark*
Gosh he may be adorable but he sure is annoying. He always barks at something. It's really, only the mail man he barks at. But he usually only runs on Tuesdays. But it's Friday, so what could he possibly be barking at now.
"Oh my gosh Jake shut up"
*bark bark bark*
He bolts for the door. Continues barking. "Fine you want to go outside, then lets go outside". I open the door. It's probably just Kaitlyn. I open it and look at the figure in front of me. NOPE! That sure is not Kaitlyn.

Carter's P.O.V *5 mins earlier*
"Uh guys...I think we are out of gas" I say to the boys in the back of my car. It's only Nash, Matt, Cameron and I. We wanted to do some sight seeing. So we just jumped in my car and started driving. "You have to be kidding Carter" Nash says from the back seat. "No I'm not, we have been driving for 5 hours did you think this was the magic school bus where we could never run out of gas or something" I shout from the drivers seat. "No I didn't think this was the magic school bus, but didn't you think that you should have stopped and got some fu-". Cameron cuts him off "GUYS STOP BICKERING, there is a house up there on the left so just pull in there and we can ask them for help". I do as he says. We pull up and jumped out of the car. Great they have a dog, I think to myself. We walk up the stairs and knock. A few moments later a girl opens the door. WOW SHE'S GORGEOUS!

Samantha's P.O.V
My jaw drops. Wow I'm stupid. I probably look like a complete creeper right now. They probably think I'm going to attack them or something. What am I thinking? "Hello" Cameron interrupts me for my thoughts. I gulp. "Hi" is all I manage to say. "Uh we were just trying to do some sight seeing and we kinda ran out of gas". Gas. Gas? Or right gas! My dad left some in his storage room for his dirt bikes and what not. "Uh I'm pretty sure we have some, you guys can come on in I guess". I know my dad has some because I would always run back there whenever I was angry or sad and I would cut my self. I have been trying lately to stop. I just hate everything. Except for Kaitlyn and the boys of course. "Okay cool where is it?" Nash asked me. Wow his eyes are amazing. "Uh I think it's in my dads storage thing in the back, ill go check". I say heading for the back door. "I'll help" I hear someone say. I turn around and realize it was carter. Carter has always been my favorite. (Btw he is 18) "You guys can make your self at home. There is food a stuff in the fridge". I have tons of Arizonas in there and I also ordered a pizza last night. The storage area Is about 3 minutes away from my house. We have a lot of woods in the back. So my dad built it all the way in there, I'm not sure why. "How are you" carter says to me making me jump a little. I think he noticed because he started smiling. That's embarrassing. Well not really, I do have on a sweatshirt that says kiss me and some black leggings and my hair is in a messy bun. I'm just looking a little cray! "I'm are you?" I ask carter. I'm scared he is going to say 'it would be better if I was actually walking with someone pretty'. I really hope he doesn't though. "I'm doing pretty good, thanks". We arrive at my dads work shop. I unlock the door and walk in. Carter is right behind me. I can feel his eyes on me. I turn around and look at him with a smile! "What?" I say laughing a little "oh...sorry, nothing". "Oh...okay". I say back. I walk over to the desk. There are the scissors I used to cut myself. I picked them up and stared at them. Carter comes and stands next to me. "Do you always come in here and admire scissors?" I look up at him. I don't know why but that kinda hurt a little. "Oh, uh no. It's just that...ugh never mind" he looks at me a little confused. He puts his hand on my shoulder and says "you can tell me anything". I take a deep breath. "Whenever I was sad or mad, I would always come back here with the scissors and ( I let out a few tears) cut my arms". Carter's then takes his hand off my shoulder. He asked. So I told him. If he thinks I'm a weirdo, that's his fault. Out of the blue, he pulls me in and hugs me, I hug back as soon as I realize that...this is real life. Carter Reynolds is actually hugging me. He pulls back. I didn't except to see this. But he is crying too. He wipes my tears. Wow could this moment get any better. Then he says "please promise me that you will never do that again Samantha". I look up at him. I never told him my name. Ooh yea, my name is on my necklace...duh. I look at his eyes. He looks so sad. I can't help but let out a few more tears. "I promise" I say back to him. He means so much to me and he doesn't even know. He grabs my hand and a big red bottle of gas and we walk back to the house. When we walk back in. Kaitlyn is there. When did she get here. But she is sleeping on Cameron's Lap. Nash is on the floor sleeping and Matthew is in the big fluffy brown rocking chair sleeping. I can't help but laugh. I turn the tv down a little and start to pick up the soda and Arizona cans off the floor. I'm not mad, I actually think its funny. It's the Magcon boys. I'm not a bit surprised by the mess (no offense to the Magcon boys). "If you don't want to sleep out here we have a guest room if you want to sleep in there" I say to carter. He smiles and says "that would be great, thanks". I lead him to the guest room. He sits down on the bed as I teach him how the TV remote works. He nods and says thanks once I'm done and hand him the remote. "Hey...uh Samantha." He says to me as I am about to leave the room. I turn around. "Yea?" I say. "Uh..I was wondering in you would like to sit in here and a movie with me. You don't have to though". I can't help but smile. Carter Reynolds wants me to sit in the same bed as him and watch a movie? The must be a dream! SOMEONE NEEDS TO WAKE ME UP! I nod and walk over to the bed. I sit down next to him. "Hey you happen to have a extra shirt I could barrow aha" he says with an awkward laugh at the end. I think my dad left some behind. "Uh yea sure ill go look". I walk into my moms rooms and look in the closets. There is a pair of sweat pants and a t shirt. He will probably fit into these. I walk back into the room and hand him the clothes. I leave so he can get dressed. (I know that some of you guys are thinking "no I would stay in there"). I lean my back up against the wall across from the door waiting for him to open it. About a minute later he opens the door. Damn he looks cute In pajamas. "Aha thanks" Crap did I seriously just say that out loud. "Sorry I didn't mean to say that out loud". I can feel myself blush. "It's okay you look cute too" he says pulling me into the bedroom. I blush even more. We plop down on the bed. Right next to each other. Not a single space to fill. He turns on the TV and we watch a sponge bob marathon. He laughs along with some of the corny jokes that are made and I can't help but smile at him laughing. He has a really cute laugh. Then there is a stupid commercial about tooth paste. "So if you don't mind me asking, why did you cut". That was unexpected. I look at him then gulp. I tell him everything. About my dad leaving, mean kids at school, how I hardly see my mom and how Kaitlyn is the closest thing to me right now. He puts his hand on my leg and pats it (kinda weird) then says "I'm really sorry Samantha, I promise I will do anything to make you happy and I will be here for you no matter what". I smile and I can't help but hug him. As I pull away he kisses me. His lips are soft. As we pull away he looks at me. "I'm so sorry I don't know what I was thinking" he says to me. I look at him then say "it's okay" we continue watching sponge bob in silence but now...we are holding hands, and my head is on his lap. I'm not even paying attention to sponge bob anymore. I'm sitting here telling myself that I can't go to fast with carter. I can't just go around kissing him and hugging him all the time. I like him and I'm sure he knows that. I nearly died when I saw him at my door. Does he like me? He probably doesn't. But even if he does. I can't take things to fast. We just met. But...I feel like I have known him forever. About 10 minutes later a feel myself falling asleep.

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