Chapter 1: My hobbies are boring.

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First of all, I identify myself as a carpet who feels for both gender's feet. What's the difference; I swing both ways, in this world of equality, we are in dire need of something different, like quality time with parents and acceptance of who we really are!

So, let me introduce myself; I am just another carpet. Not the furry lioness ones you see in the homes of the others these days, those are big and huge for no good, no no! I cannot gossip. I am nothing of that type. My name is Gerald Greantea and I am a carpet. My interests are significant feet, I don't mind the dirty ones occasionally but I'm stepped on anyway.

You see, being stepped on, you get used to it. Living with different types of shapes and sizes, colours: green, purple, red, you name it!

I love feet, any feet, no judging. The most I dislike are fungi feet but good to know that I survived.

It's not that toxic after all.

Gerald as in myself, have my own interests. I mean as a carpet, life is pretty boring. I'm not a robot, I don't have the ability to move my limbs! Spread my legs? Uh no, I'm a flat piece of rubber on your floor trying to live life.

My hobbies include, nothing much.

Up, up. That's what's up. I stare into nothingness, a deliberate piece of art: the white wall of China. I don't know what a China is but if my walls are art, I'd look at them everyday not that I have much of a choice.

Somehow, gibbering depresses me. I'm not the authentic type, I'm not an original, I was made out of rubber just like any other. The difficulties I face, is more than just a simple shoe lace, but who understands might I ask? Who is there for me, might I call?

My hobbies of nothingness makes me quite depressed, you know, that human feeling when some delicate water leaks with a dumb expression on their face: they call it upset, I call it a leak!

But what is wrong with such a leak? A leak is leak, perhaps everyone is a leak. Of themselves, their feelings, their hearts and their souls. We are not perfect vessels, I mean look at me, I'm just a bloody carpet!

I have a morbid description of things I see and hear, my angles of life are quite different, unlike humans and their vertical blah blah! I am just looking up until the day I'm dumped, I have no death though.

Gerald Greantea is immortal but not of the good find.

Oh, well, the more you know.

I am an interesting person, my life is just boring. It feels like a coma living in a world where you can't move but feel absolutely everything!

Am I truly blessed or am I abundantly cursed?!

The world that moves, it is something I look forward into being. But only a miracle may change that and a carpet such as myself, never gets any!

This motley life of Gerald Greantea Where stories live. Discover now