Part 2-A stupid person?

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A few weeks Aki decided to delete the game again.Because of school reasons.So he left Bella wondering where he disappeared.

And a month has passed Aki installed it again.But this time he didn't delete it.He played it for so long until later.He found a guy named Sam..From Aki's view he would seem like a dramatic person because of what Sam is saying.

Aki was just quiet and left the game
1 day has passed he saw Sam again..This time Sam was calm and he was hacking from that day

Sam:Oh hey!Aren't you that other guy I saw?
Aki:Oh,I remember you!Hello there
Sam:Hi xD You seem friendly But can you do me a favor and Install the app kik?
Aki:I'm not friendly but I had kik a long time ago but sure,I'll install it!

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