Part 9-Sniper and Fall

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A day has passed and still nothing...Sam and Aki agreed that Anais already quit
Aki:I wonder why she left without saying anything
Sam:Guess she has problems well just let her be instead of us worrying for her
Aki:Probably useless if we always worry if she ain't coming back
Sam:Yeah true,oh btw I wanna introduce you to my friends Sniper and Fall

-Sam added both of them-

Sam:They're both PG players also and we have the same language so yeah
Aki:Oh hello hello
Aki:The name's Aki nice to meet ya
Fall:Oh i'm Fall nice to meet ya also
Aki:Where's the other guy
Sam:Guess he is off but maybe tomorrow
Aki:Oh sure sure

-1 day has passed and Sniper messaged-

Sniper:What is this
Sam:This is the group i'm talking about hehehe
Aki:Oh hi hi name's Aki
Sniper:Why hello there good sir
Aki:Ashishi so polite
Sniper:Well thanks i'm used to it XD
Aki:Oh really
Sam:Sniper is op dude respect him lol
Aki:I respect everyone here Sam don't worry
Sam:Okay good wanna play PG?
Sniper:Let me join
Sam:Okay 3 of us let's go!!!!
Aki and Sniper:Lezgo

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