Minato's P.O.V
"Alright buddy. I can't go with you any further." Alan stated.
"A-Alan I'm nervous...." I admitted.
"Hey, buddy. What happened to show no weakness? It's just a school." Alan assured.
"It's not just a school! It's my first mssion! Ever! What happens if I screw it up? What hapens to the Shigara? Do they get attacked, never find out what they really are, live their lives, completly oblivious to our worl-" Alan cut me off.
"Minato. Man up, and get your ass in the school." I'm still not sure wether that comment was supposed to be encouraging, or just a command, but it encouraged me anyways. I marched into the school with pirde...
....Only to walk back out to ask Alan where the office was. Alan sighed and walked in with me to show me the way. This school was totally amazing! I never knew how big schools we're! I've never been in one before... Alan's voiced snapped me out of my thoughts to tell me we were at the office.
"I just walk in and ask about my schedual right?" I asked.
"Yeah. Now get your butt inthere you scaredy cat."
I walked in to see a brown-haired woman with bright red glasses slaving over a computer. She heard me enter and immedeatly looked up at me with beady little eyes.
She asked with an annoying nasaly voice, "Who are you?".
'Um, I'm Minato Nakamura. I'm the new student..."
"Hmph, another little brat. Here's your schedual."
I don't like her already.
"I am so so sorry about my fellow secratary!! She's not in a very good mood today.... Well, I guess she's never in to good of a mood... Anyways, would you like to show you to your first class? This school can be pretty confusing..."
"U-Uh yeah.... That would be great....."
This girl was obviously the polar oppisite of the woman who gave me my schedual. Her hair was Dark read, fading into a light pink at the tips*. Her eyes were a shocking emerald green, in complete contrast with her hair, She had pale skin, as she probably didn't get to much sun. She was beautiful...
"My name is Rosell by the wa-AAY!"
...and clumsly.
"Um... are you all right?" I asked her.
"Haha, yes I'm fine..."
"She does that all the time" commented beady-eyes.
Rosell added, "Her name is Kali...."
"That's Ms.Hawke to you, brat."
Again. polar oppisites. Rosell showed me through a maze of hallways to my class. She explained the teacher was named Mr.Call, and that he was fairly laid back. I'm lucky he's my homeroom.
"Excuse me, Mr.Call? Your new student is here."
Alex's P.O.V.
Oh, yeah, we're getting a new student. I'm just glad there's a new kid. I get to make sure he knows that I'm the KING of this school. I wonder if he'll be an idiot, maybe some faggot, possibly weak. He walked in.
. . .
He is the strangest person I've ever seen in my life.
His hair was black, but red streaked, hanging down over his right eye. Amazing, it doesn't even look dyed at all... And he was wearing a silver necklace with a... snake charm? And his clothes we're all worn down... They're were rips all over the jeans (Obviously not on purpose.), and stains all over his shirt.... and his jacket was missing one sleeve. Also all black and red... What's up with this kid?!
And then....
....That happened.
Alice, the cold, nearly heartless punk-rock fighter chick, ran up to the new kid and bear-hugged him. All while shouting 'Brother'.
...Who the fuck is this kid?!
"Alice, stop hugging me, you know I hate being touched!"
"But Mina-Saaaaan, that's exactly why I do it!!!"
'Mina-San' sighed and pushed Alice off himself.
"Hi. I'm Minato Nakamura, Alice's brother if you can't tell already."
"LITTLE brother."
"I'm only a year younger!"
"Hehe, I meant your short little brother!"
.....He is pretty short.....
"Hmph. Just tell me where to sit."
"Well, I guess sit next to Alice..." Mr.Call ordered. He continued with his lesson about... World War 1? 2? 3?* I don't know...
Alice's P.O.V.
"Wow, Mina-San, have you gotten shorter since the last time I saw you?" I asked.
"No! I'm telling you, I'm gonna get some huge growth spurt, and be way taller than you!" Minato said, hotheadedly.
"Heh, maybe shortness runs in your family!" I imediatly saw the way Minato's eyes darkened with sadness at the mention of his family. Maybe that was a bad thing to say...
~Oh, I'm still just transferring to the A/N~
So, that was better, but action will come in a chapter or two ^-^
*I used to have hair like this. It was FABULOOOOUUUS! \(*^*)z
protecting your Kind. Not You.
Fantasy"Minato." "Yes, father?" "We have discovered another Shigara." "Why are you telling me this father?" "You will go protect him. Alice is already there." "Alright! First real mission!" "And Minato? This mission means you must go to school with him..."...