If You Make It Out Of The Lion's Den, Don't Go Back For Your Hat

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Chapter Seventeen
-If You Make It Out Of The Lion's Den, Don't Go Back For Your Hat-

After I had gotten a good, solid start on my assignments I treated myself to a long, hot shower. I was standing in the middle of the room after it, in just a hoodie and boy underwear. Guys had it so easy. Their undies were like short shorts and were as comfortable as all get out. I had no idea why guys were always readjusting and complaining about their crutch region. Drama queen whingers, the lot of them!
My phone beeped at me for the third time in five minutes and I leant over my bed to the other side and fumbled around for the charger. It was wrapped up with my laptop cords and I ended up having to go to more effort than expected to get my stupid beeping phone on the charger. I heard the door unlock and open behind me and all classy like, with my butt up in the air, I looked over my shoulder to see Jake standing in the doorway. He stared at me in the same dazed way he had when we were at the car. His mouth opened lazily and then snapped shut with an audible slapping sound, all the while swaying until he hit the door frame and steadied himself.
"Peh-pee-toe..." He slurred, "D-Do you sh-have your legs?" he asked, his eyes droopy, drunk and questioning. His eyes roaming up and down my bare thighs, an intense look in his eyes flashed for a second that I couldn't understand. I felt myself blanch and sat up immediately, grabbing my pillow to cover my girly shaved legs.
"I, uh- I just don't really grow much body hair, I, um. I guess..." I stammered and he studied me for a second, his eyes narrowing slowly before he actually fully closed one of them.
"Man, I'm drunk," He stated and started trying to get to his bed. He didn't get further than three shuffles towards his own bed, before he collapsed on mine, lying across it the wrong way. "Peh-pee-toe. Dood. Wha' did-in you come 'rink wih us tah-nigh'?" He asked, I could barely understand what he was saying as his face was smooshed into the bed, making his slur even worse.
"I had assignments to do," I told him, unable to not smile at the drunken idiot at the foot of my bed. Even annihilated, he was fricken adorable.
"Soh you wern wih Ka-hee?" He mumbled, his eyes drifting closed.
"No, I wasn't. Why?" I asked him.
"Jus' ben no-tis-ing stuv is all," He cryptically answered, sighing tiredly.
"Like what?" I asked, beginning to get slightly alarmed.
"Nar, I carn say. I dun wan' to jum' to cun-clue-juns," He said, trying to shake his head but the bed got in his way. "You an' Taylar are beh-cumin goo frens. Carn rune that." I stared at him for a long minute.
He had figured out Taylor and Kathy are fooling around and he did it fast. Sure, they weren't going to extreme lengths to hide it very well, but it just proved that Jake was completely on the ball.
"I'm sure it's all good, buddy," I murmured quietly, still frowning at him.
"'Kay, jus dun wun Tay-lah to do the same thin' tha' happen tuh him," he sighed and not even a minute later he was snoring lightly. Did I just understand the drunken gibberish right?
I frowned as I took in the sight before me. Jake wasn't exactly a stick figure and he was going to wake up sore tomorrow if he slept like he currently was. He had his torso sprawled over the bed and his knees on the ground. I had to move his heavy ass somehow to get him onto the bed properly. I took the easiest way I could figure and grabbed his legs and spun him ninety degree, up and onto the bed. He was upside down on the small single bed but it was better than nothing. I grabbed my pillow and threw it on Jakes bed.
It was when I slipped between his sheets to read some of my textbook before I went to sleep that I couldn't breathe. Of course, Jakes cologne was wrapped within the bed sheets and it made my head spin. It smelt so good and I couldn't concentrate on my homework as my mind kept replaying the small kiss we shared on Friday. It was perfection in its simplest form. Sweet, unassuming pressure of lips against lips doing nothing but providing pure new energy to a budding relationship. I looked over at the drunken oaf who had shared with me the kiss and sighed. His lips that were now slightly parted, allowing a soft snore to escape looked tempting and incredible as they did Friday.

One more week, I reminded myself and then I could pursue it full heartedly, unleashing the potential of what Jake and I could truly be... One week seemed a lot longer than it used to, suddenly.

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