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As Jason scrolled through these messages he started to remember how much more... attached he felt to the Blue Boy during that time. His messages showed it. If Dick mentioned getting hurt, Jason would immediately get worried. If Dick talked about how he was tracking down an extremely strong villain or going on a dangerous mission, Jason would become protective and fearful for Dick. A mission could turn sour at any point, and Jason Peter Todd should know. Something in his mind made him feel like Dick wouldn't be as lucky as he was if something went wrong.

Then the texts changed again. Dick started to talk about things more personal to him. It all started one night, nearly 2am. Jason was getting his first good sleep in a month. It was surprisingly peaceful in the small Gotham apartment. Then his phone just started blowing up.

The loud text alert on his phone woke him from under the pillow. When he grabbed his phone and adjusted his eyes to the brightness, he saw the texts from Dick. He was panicking, having woken up from a nightmare. About his parents. And their death. Jason asked if he wanted to talk about it. He did, and Jason listened.

From then on Dick would message Jason whenever he was feeling bad. Whenever he woke from a nightmare, or when everyone forgot about him, or when Bruce had yelled and hit him for messing up a case. Jason always listened. Dick was always surprised by him always responding no matter what. Jason never told him it was because he set the text alert to the loudest possible.

It took a long while, but Jason started opening up to Dick as well. Jason had never been much of a feelings guy, he always held in his fear and sadness and even happiness. Because feelings could be a weakness, and he never wanted to be weak again. But for some reason he trusted Dick. He knew Dick wouldn't tell, or turn on him, or insult him. Jason Todd liked and trusted Dick Grayson.

They never really talked about that stuff outside of text. Never even mentioned it. Except once. It was a group leisure day for the (former) Young Justice team members, and Dick had convinced Jason to come. The Leisure days were days set aside so there was no crime fighting, and the group would come together to have normal fun bowling or swimming or something. Jason hated these days, since the entire team didn't like him very much, but Dick invited him, and free food, so why not? When they all met up at the entrance to the Metropolis Boardwalk, Dick Grayson just ran up to Jason and hugged him.

"Thanks for listening to me...ya know." Dick had said to Jason, his arms wrapped around him. Jason didn't really know what to do, so he just stood there until Dick let go a moment later. For the rest of the day Jason just followed the group, hoping no one would question what just happened. Luckily, no one did. Although he did get a few weird looks from Artemis, Wally, and Zatanna. 

That was the day he realized he had a humongous crush on Dick Grayson.  

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