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After glancing through several more conversations, about both personal and normal stuff, Jason reached the bottom of his chat page, and he was pulled back into the present.

Today was Dick Grayson's birthday.

And he had no idea how to say "Happy Birthday" in a totally non-cheesy way, but also in a way that didn't reveal his feelings for the hero.

Jason had forgotten Dick's birthday last year, and he had felt bad about that to no end. He wanted to try and make it up to him this year. Giving gifts were never Jason's thing, and going somewhere with him would seem too much like a date. No one was planning a party this year, so saying "Happy birthday" in a meaningful but not cheesy and "No homo" way would have to do.

Jason went through a list of options, typing them all out then deleting them before sending it.

Jason Todd: Happy Birthday
No, to generic and doesn't say anything meaningful

Jason Todd: Have a good Birthday, Dick. Hope you have fun.
Nuh-uh. Sounds nothing like Jason. Dick would most likely believe something was wrong

Jason Todd: Hey Dick I just wanna wish you a Happy Birthday and remind you that i care about you a lot and really love you a lot. Like more than a "brother" way
No way in hell would Jason Todd ever send that. Dick could not know about his feelings, it would only push him away. Jason never felt so romantically attracted to a person as he did with Dick Grayson, and really had no idea how to deal with it.

He quickly deleted the un-sent message. He needed a new idea, something to express that he cares about him, but not revealing his crush.
Jason set down his phone on the coffee table to think about it. Really, someone should not be putting this much effort into a Happy birthday text message.

"Be myself? Maybe? That's how I usually am around him, so why not?"

He picked up his phone again and opened the texts. He quickly smashed all the buttons to type his message and before second thoughts he hit send.

Jason Todd: Happy Birthday you son of a bitch, now you're one year closer to death. Hope you have a fucking great birthday.

Then he realized what he sent. And started to freak out.
"Oh god oh shit no no god damn it no" he said to himself. "Fuck he's gonna think I hate him and that I'm an asshole just like last year!!!" Honestly though, he was always cursing when he talked to Dick, and often he would jokingly insult him. Dick never minded, but something was causing Jason to freak out. Then Jason got another great idea. He quickly sent a singular emoji to Dick, hoping he could get the true message across.

Jason Todd: <3

Once again he realized what a stupid decision he made, but this time he just dropped his phone on the couch and reached for his cigarettes. As he got out his lighter his phone buzzed, with the ring tone he uses for Dick Grayson.

Extremely hesitant to read the response, he stared at the face down phone a few seconds before picking it up to read the text Dick sent.

Dick Grayson: Lol thanks Jay XD
Dick Grayson: Speaking of...
Dick Grayson: Wanna go on a date with me?

Jason Peter Todd fucking fainted

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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