The Accident.

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Lee Daena lined to get herself a cup of coffee at the La Aroma coffee shop. She was on the verge of contemplating on what to sketch for her school project. As a Fine Arts student, it was her assignment to present a sketch that portrays random yet eye-catching scenery in two days. Out of the 40 students in class, her professor would pick out only one work to be displayed in the University’s Foundation Day exhibit and she wanted her work to be chosen.

She always does.

Ever since she was in middle school, she enjoyed art and she always wanted to share her works to everyone. She’s not up for the money though. All she wants is for her works to be appreciated.

“Excuse me, ma’am. May I take your order?” Min, one of the staff of the La Aroma Coffee shop interrupted. Lee Daena diverted her attention to the smiling Min as she realized how she was so caught up with the homework.

“Oh! Sorry, Min. One regular Cappuccino with milk and a clubhouse please.”

“Okay, ma’am. That would be 9,200 won all in all. Same as usual.”

Same as usual.

That day was dated September 15, a Wednesday. Like every other Wednesdays at 11 p.m., Lee Daena always drop by at the same coffee shop, the La Aroma Coffee Shop, to enjoy her little lunch –Cappuccino and a sandwich. Aside from the fact that it is only few blocks away from her school, the sceneries around the shop has always been an inviting view to Daena, not to mention, the friendly staff of the coffee shop are as welcoming, too. The Coffee shop is located at the edge of the public park so before Daena could sit down and relax at the shop, she has to pass by the park and the people. The beauty and serenity of the place enliven her. It’s like a hobby she would never stop enjoying.

But at that moment, she was there to find a subject to draw.

Daena turned her attention to her bag. She was busy getting money to be paid that she did not notice how her handkerchief fell to the floor. The person beside her who had been lining all the while at the next line nearby noticed it. Knowing that the owner of the hanky wasn’t aware, he picked it up for her.

After paying the said amount and receiving her receipt, Daena was about to leave when the person beside her called her attention.

“Miss, you dropped your hanky.”

Ken Takana spoke as he handed Daena her handkerchief.

“Oh! Thank you.”

After she got her hanky back, Daena smiled to the stranger and thanked him abruptly to which Ken replied with a quick smile. She, then, excused herself to the kind man to find a table.

When Daena finally was settled, she placed her pad of canvas and looked at it intently. She raised it at head level and pulled it closer to her face. Now that it was close enough to hide her eyes, she whispered a little prayer.

“Lord, please give me something to draw.”

Lee Daena was born as a Christian and that was why she’s fond of praying for everything It was how her parents raised her and her brother. Prayer empowers her through tough times and it was the only thing her parents taught her that she could still remember before they died.

Now, she badly needed an inspiration to sketch and she hoped when she would finally open her eyes, there would be an answer to her prayer.

She sighed and counted starting with 10.

9… 8…. 7…. 6… 5… 4…

“Ma’am, you’re order is here.”

She stopped counting and opened her eyes. There was no answer. Not yet. Instead she saw her meal atop of a tray held by Moon who was by the way the fraternal twin of Min. That was how often Daena goes to this shop. She had begun to befriend some of the crew and even learned a few of their backgrounds.

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