Chapter 5

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Mona's pov

Ke tashi ankira sallah...
Hassana said patting my back.

Ke bana sallah,I said to her
Ohh sorry, go back to sleep then..
I yawned and stretch my hands up..
Lailahaillallahi muhammadan rasulullahi sallallahu alaihi wa sallam... I said and cuddle with my blanket and pillow again..:

It was 9:00, I heard my phone vibrating under my pillow, I reached for it and saw it was alarm...

Ohhh I'm the one cooking breakfast today.. I thought and drag my legs to the full length mirror.
My hair is rough and my eyes are red, I packed my hair with a pink ribbon.

I hurried off to the toilet, took my birth, brush my teeth, and do some other morning routines..
I wore a sleeveless black dress and tie my hair with pink scarf and headed down stairs to the kitchen..

I made pancakes, roasted chicken, fried egg and tea. And I made chips and plantain for ya Khalid,that's his favorite breakfast, he can't go a day with out eating it..

I finished everything and arrange it on the dinning table..

I knocked on Yaya Khalid's door..
Come in! He shouted out so I open the door and went inside.

Yaya Khalid good morning
Morning sweetheart how are you..he answered.
I'm fine..breakfast is ready..I told him.
Ok I'm coming,he said combing his hair in front of his mirror.
He was dressed in a blue black coat and looks handsome as always.

I went out and walked towards mami's room.
Ganinan fa Ina zaki..I heard mami's voice in the corridor.
Ohh Dama kina nan, Dana wuce ki with out noticing you. Ina kwana..I said and headed to were she was standing.

Lafiya kin tashi kenan.she said turning on the tv.
Eh Na tashi,food is ready ma.i said
Ohk I'm coming.she said and turn off the tv and headed downstairs..

Mona don't go to my room I'm already downstairs, Aunty Hajara is also here...Hassana shouted out.

Ohk tohm..I said and headed downstairs.

We all enjoyed the food,Yaya Khalid cracked some jokes while we were eating,he asked of my phone and I immediately dodged it and change the topic..

Yaya Khalid went to his office, Aunty Hajara left for her friends house and mami went to her farm.hassana and I were the only ones at home.

We played cheers, cards and we also did dancing competition but unfortunately, Hassan won.

We got tired and we all went to our rooms.i flopped on my bed and sighed..
Just then, I remembered vividly about that guy ..

I went to my side drawer where I kept the card, I took it out and copy the first number with 080 on my baby Nokia and call....

He picked the call on the third ring..

Salamualaikum... His lovely and calm voice said..
Waalaikumussalam..I answered.
Uhmm who's on the line please? He asked.
It's Uhmm, it's that girl from the restaurant..I said not knowing what to say..

Ohhh that..that lady? Beautiful, I mean with that beautiful phone ? He asked.

Yes I'm the one..I said always like a whisper because my heart was pounding I don't know why ....

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