Chapter 10

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Author note- Hi so I haven't been posting in a while I know.. well when I started this story I had a idea of how it would end but after a while I red another fan fiction that had a similar ending so... I tried to change it ... but no ideas ever came so now I had come with another idea of how  it should end! I really hope it won't be something similar to another fan fiction I did not read and if it happens I am really sorry !
P.s. There might be one spoiler from the manga here!

*(Y/n) POV*
It had been 12 years and 11 months since I transformed for the first time in a titan , that meant my end was soon to come . it wasn't like I didn't had a nice life.
We got to beat the titan's arses and we also got to the sea. Me and Levi decide to not have kids because we both knew I was gonna die to soon .
In these last month my body started getting weaker and weaker mostly staying in bed with Levi by my side day and night!
His once beautiful features started showing some wrinkles here and there . In the last year he bearly got some sleep. Some nights I would think that I'd rather disappear as fast as I could just so he could get the sleep he needed but we all know he still won't do it!
Since this was the last month he promised me he'll take me to the sea once more .

The day has finally arrived we got ready and left I was walking slowly with Levi supporting me .
As we got closer I could already feel the sand beneath my feet and the salty water on my hands.
When we get there he lays down a blanket and lets me sit on it . Soon I take out my journal to write today's beautiful experience as I would always do since i was 16!
Levy looked at me smiling!
"Should I go and bring u some shells to put on that journal's page ? "
I nod smiling
I see him get up and going in the water to look for the shells , he keeps walking and walking getting far away from me .
" I'm happy I made him go after the shells I don't want him to see me right now!"
*Author POV*
After u write the last sentence u put down ur journal and lay down on the blanket. As u were gazing at the sky ur eyes started getting heavier and heavier.

U closed them !

U could hear Levi's voice calling u still but the beautiful (e/c) eyes of yours would never open again since the 13 years have passed.

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