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< present time >
{ puck POV }
We were sitting in the choir room. Santana was staring at me, it was kind of creepy. But I kind of liked it because I kind of liked her.

Schuester: "okay guys, this weeks assignments... duets." He said as he wrote the word "duets" of the board.
Rachel: raises her hand "mr. Schue, do we get to pick our duet partner?"
schuester: "yes Rachel, but remember if your duet is beyond my expectation it will be a number in our regionals competition." He said smiling. And clapping. "Let's get started" he said enthusiastically.

{ Santana's POV }
Right when mr schue said we could pick our duet partner I stopped listening and my mind immediately went to puck. Hopefully he chooses me too.

everyone had already picked their duet partners.
Rachel chose Finn. No surprise there.
Artie chose Brittany.
sam chose Mercedes,
Joe chose Quinn,
Kurt chose Blaine.
Tina chose mike
all that was left was puck, and I knew he wanted to be with me too.
puck turned to me and said
puck: "okay so I guess I'm stuck with you"
Santana: "stuck..?"
Puck: "oh cmon you didn't take that seriously?"
Santana: "of course not... so anyways. What song should we sing"
Puck: "I have the perfect song, it will work because it's almost Valentine's Day too"

the class went on but puck and I didn't have time to finish our song,
Santana: "do you wanna come over tonight? My parents are out of town, and we can finish our song"
Puck: "sure babe" he grabbed his back and walked out of the choir room.
Did he just call me babe...? OMFG that was amazing. But misleading. Idk what we are.

< later that night >
{ Santana's POV }
I was dressed in casual but cute clothes. It didn't really matter what I wore tho because it was eventually gonna get ripped off me. puck usually came over to hook up. And tonight might be different but also maybe not. Idk yet.

It's been 4 hours since puck said he would show up. The doorbell rang, it was puck. I was so excited. I ran to the door and opened it with a big smile on my face. I was shocked to see that it wasn't puck, it was Brittany,
Santana: "Brit, what are you doing here?"
Brittany: "I lost my phone and I wanted to tell you that lord tubbington finally kicked his drug problem."
Santana: "that's really great Brittany" I said sadly and looking down
Brit: "what's wrong San?"
Santana: "puck was supposed to show up tonight but he didn't.  We were supposed to work on our duet"
Brit: "oh I'm sorry San, anyways I gotta go, lord tubbington and I are gonna watch the real housewives of New Jersey" Britney said as she walked off.
I shut the door and sat on the couch. I started watching tv until I fell asleep. But then a few hours later the doorbell rang , I woke up and checked my phone for the time, it was 2 am. I got yo and walked slowly and wearily to the door. I opened it with my vision still kinda blurry. I was puck.
Santana: "puck? Where were you, you were supposed to be here hours ago."
Puck: "I'm pool cleaning ran a little late." He said as he hugged me for a brief moment then walked in. An hour or two passed and we finished perfecting our duet. It wouldn't have taken so long if puck put down his phone for a minute and stop texting.
Santana: "who are you texting at 4 am?"
Puck: "oh, it's just Artie." He said nervously. He got up and grabbed his guitar, I stood up too. He walked to the door and was about to leave...
Santana: "wait that's it..? You just came over to write the song?"
Puck: "San... you looked beautiful tonight, but honestly I'm so worn out"
San: "from pool cleaning?" I said as I crossed my arms
Puck: "what?"--- "OH YEAH, cleaning pools. It's a tiring job. I'll see you tomorrow San." He said as he walked off.
Something was suspicious about that. The texting the whole night. Being tired from cleaning a pool, yea cleaning a pool is hard work. But puck is never too tired for sex. What is up with that? Am I turning him off? Whatever. I'll go on a date with him and get him there again. He won't be able to resist me after our date.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2017 ⏰

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