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The rest of the school day carried on as if Pepper and I hadn't spoken, I largely ignored the questioning looks from her friends. The last thing I needed was for our 'argument' to get out into the general population and cause havoc to both our reputations.

As much as my respect for Pepper had dropped I still didn't want her being seen as the rejecter or rejected. Truth be told neither of us rejected the other, but had mutually agreed that we weren't ready to be anything...in a roundabout sort of way.

When the end of the school day finally rolled around and the final bell rang to announce the end of classes I was surprised to see Pepper standing at my classroom door, waiting.

"Conrad, can we talk?" She asked, I didn't see a hint of emotion on her face or hear it in her voice. It was as if she were a talking stone, still annoyed about this morning I simply nodded. I was more annoyed then hurt that Pepper had thrown our mate bond into the air, for some reason I had thought she would come running to me with arms wide open.

Following Pepper to a quieter part of the car park I leaned against the nearest car and waited for her to begin talking, I really didn't have anything to say so left it for her to get a reaction out of me.

"I'm sorry for the way I reacted this morning, I just....Felix and I imagined that we were each other's mates and when I found out that we weren't it hurt and surprised me. I shouldn't have taken it out on you, can we be some sort of friends?" Of course, Pepper wouldn't leave her perfect boyfriend for me, it wasn't like I was an upgrade to Felix Anton. Though I bet Pepper would drop everything if I had been the future alpha, too bad our pack didn't work like that.

"Friends? No can do Pepper, doesn't sound like a good plan. Nice chatting with you, but I hope I don't see you around too often." I said quickly, god I felt like a dick but I couldn't stand being around my mate when she wanted nothing to do with me. Well she did want something but it wasn't the same as what I wanted, so instead of prolonging the torture I might as well-cut ties now.

If the situation weren't so depressingly serious I might have cracked a smile at the dumbstruck look on Peppers face as my reply sank in, her mouth hung open and I could see it move wordlessly a few times as she tried to form a reply.

I walked off without allowing her time to reply, I doubt I would have been able to keep my cool much longer and the last thing I wanted to do was go off my head at Pepper for something she obviously saw as being right. It was what she wanted so it must have been?

As soon as I returned home my parents sensed something was wrong, as they often did. But as I didn't stop and talk to them they didn't ask, instead I went straight to my room and stayed there for the remainder of the night, mulling over what had happened and what the consequences for mine and Pepper's actions would be.

The following few days were more or less a repeat of that day, Pepper attempted to talk to me but I brushed her off and often walked in the opposite direction. Twice Felix approached me to ask if something was going on between Pepper and I, if she hadn't told him then who was I to spill the secret?

Instead I shrugged and muttered something or other which either left him confused or satisfied, I wasn't quite sure.

By Friday it was obvious Pepper was livid as she stood before me yelling profanities, I found it inwardly amusing that the girl I thought was the centre of the universe was little more than a pain in my backside as I watched her rant and rave. Felix stood next to her, his expression growing ever angrier the more Pepper spoke.

When she was done I realized she had asked a question, as I had been preoccupied with my thoughts throughout the entire tirade I merely shrugged. It was then that she slapped me and my senses came back.

"What was that for?" I asked as I rubbed my now red and stinging cheek.

"You didn't hear a word I said, did you? Are you high? On drugs? No wonder why you've been spaced out the entire week!" Of course, I wasn't high or on drugs, obviously Pepper didn't realize things affected me differently than they did her.

"Would you rather I reacted in much the same way you are? Would you rather I yelled and hit you? Proclaim to the world that you are the good Samaritan because you gave me a chance to be friends and nothing more? Despite the fact that we are apparent soul mates? What would you have me do Pepper?" Even saying her name at that moment was a chore that left a sour taste in my mouth and the questions and statement caught everyone within earshot off guard.

It was the reaction from Felix I feared the most, I kept that to myself though. When he didn't lash out and begin throwing punches though I relaxed a little, was that a good sign? I mean, he could always hit me later while there was no stunned group of students around but where would his joy and glory be in that?

Pepper's cheeks seemed to go as red as her hair, though what I had said seemed to be the wrong thing as I watched her fists clench into tight balls.

"I won't reject you, that would be something cruel. But I will leave you to your own devices, I've accepted a scholarship to S.U in California." I saw everyone's expressions nearby change, Stevenson was a small, prestigious university. Very few people from the east coast ever got into a university on the west, many students from my area never thought of life beyond high school.

And even fewer thought of an educated life after high school, we were a small, rural community with students travelling up to an hour just to get to classes. I was one of the lucky ones, my parents owned a home in Hayden....my family had run our pack for generations and this allowed them to establish the town of Hayden, it was small, it was way out of the way and it was more or less in the wilderness of Maine.

"Five years away should give you enough time to think of what you want and don't want in life," Pepper seemed to suddenly pale at that announcement, I wasn't simply going to California for a bachelor's degree, I was intending to gain a Masters before graduating.

It was probably a good thing that I was only now announcing my future plans, as there was just under two weeks of formal classes left. I was quite excited but looking at Pepper's expression dampened that a little, my great outlook on university was further diminished as Pepper burst into tears and ran off down the corridor.

That left Felix and I standing there awkwardly, he didn't look as if he wanted to pummel me anymore but was torn between saying something and going after Pepper.

I stepped aside, the last thing I wanted was for the both of us to actually enter into some sort of heartfelt conversation, he was dating my mate and nothing would make that better.

He did however give me a grateful smile before going after her, who was I to stand in the way of young, stupid love? Not me that was for sure.

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