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The remaining days of school passed by in a blur and before I knew it all graduating pack members were at my parents' home celebrating. I didn't feel like celebrating a hell of a lot, sure I had been accepted into the university that I choose, yes it was on the other side of the country and that was worth celebrating.

But at the moment Pepper and Felix were locked in an intense make out session, neither my wolf or I appreciated the spectacle and I felt the hairs begin to raise on the back of my neck as he became more irritated by the second.

Pepper was everything I could want in a mate, physically strong, kind, understanding, mostly patient and opinionated. She was never afraid to give her opinion, even if it was wrong or went against what everyone else was thinking. It was just the kind of person she was and I imagined that she would come around in time and look at me as a potential other half.

I watched as Felix pulled Pepper into a hug and then proceed to kiss her, lately Pepper had been doing it often and in front of me. From time to time I noticed her glancing in my direction as if to make a statement, I hated it. I'd committed to something and I was doing my best to stick to that, I was a guy of my word and couldn't break it now.

Looking away quickly I attempted to keep myself from looking at the spectacle but when clapping and cheering began I looked back to the duo to see Felix holding Peppers hand up towards the crowd, the shining metal band that now adorned one of her fingers was hard to miss.

Standing quickly I slipped out of the backyard, finding it incredibly difficult to breath. Had they really planned to marry as soon as high school was finished? I felt sick to my stomach that my mate was going against everything and not only wanted to continue on her relationship with her current boyfriend but also tie herself to him for as long as possible.

Hearing heavy footsteps, I glanced over my shoulder to see my father standing there, concern written across his face.

"What is it Conrad? What has you looking so spooked?" Instead of verbally answering my father I vomited all over his shoes, cursing inwardly at the weak stomach I possessed.

"Trev honey wh....Conrad! Are you okay? Oh no, are you coming down with something again?" I heard my mother begin to fuss as gentle hands helped me stand straighter. How the heck was I supposed to digest and react to what had just happened? I was literally sick to my stomach and had no idea how to express any of it to my parents, who were destined mates and who had mated a few months after meeting.

"I think I ate something bad," was all I managed to get out as my parents walked me in the front door up to my room. I was glad that no one was around to see me vomiting on the alpha or being carried and worried over by the alpha pair, they were my parents obviously but they also had an image they liked to keep with the wider pack members.

After making sure I was settled and okay both parents left me to relax and wonder, but my peace didn't last long as Pepper walked through my bedroom door.

Truth be told I was expecting her to be smug and bitchy about getting engaged, but she didn't....she looked ashamed and worried. I just hoped she wasn't going to try and convince me that this was for the better, that she belonged with Felix and not me like she had managed to do since finding out that I was her mate.

"I was going to tell you before we revealed it but you kept avoiding me and I didn't know how to get you alone. I'm guessing you don't want to come to the wedding? I can respect that and understand.... I love him Conrad, if I had dated you first I might have loved you the same way." That that was literal stab to the heart, I had wanted to approach Pepper since returning from alpha school but had shied away and come up with an excuse more often than not.

"Don't tell me that Pepper, I don't want your excuses. You'll never look at me the way you look at him and that hurts, we're supposed to be mates! Are you just going to ignore that because your human side has convinced you that you're in love with him? Do you even know what love is? Just a few weeks ago you were yelling at me that you didn't want marriage, that you didn't want to be tied down and here you are flashing a place holder in everyone's faces." Pepper flinched as I threw her words back in her face, I was angry that she was trying to make excuses, that she had come here out of pity for me.... that she didn't want me still.

"Don't talk to Pepper like that!" The growl came from the doorway and I glared at the boy standing there, because at that moment it was what they both looked like. Children trying to be adults, I wasn't much older than either, hell I was probably two months older then Felix tops but at least I wasn't doing something stupid.

"Don't come into my room and tell me what to do Felix, get the fuck out of my room and get the fuck out of my house! I don't want to see either of you again." The ferocity with which I yelled at the pair surprised me but the surprise was short lived as I felt myself being hauled out of bed and shoved against a wall.

Felix seemed surprised by what he'd done, I was angrier then I had ever been and managed to swing a fist in Felix's face. His grasp loosened enough for me to push him away, I hated being touched...it was a sort of dislike I had developed in my early teens and always managed to keep a good distance away from most people.

When Felix recovered enough from the punch he turned darkening eyes on me, I was sure mine were darkening as well as I felt the first cracks of my shift taking over my body.

After a couple dozen changes the pain of bones stretching, shrinking, breaking, dislocating and rearranging in general lessened and I had finished my shift before Felix. Being a gentleman however I didn't attack him mid transformation, that would have spelled serious injury and favour being lost on me if ever I wanted to be alpha in the future.

But as soon as Felix had changed I wished I had attacked him mid shift, he was massive! Compared to my wolf at least...I was a decent size but Felix's' human physicality was a reflection of his wolf's and before I even knew what colour the sky was he had the scruff of my neck in his mouth and was attempting to push me to the ground.

Not wanting to go that way I braced myself, the harder Felix pushed the more I felt his teeth sink into my skin and realized I had to do something.

So, I chose to latch onto the closest leg to me and bit down hard. It wasn't a gangly leg, more muscle then anything which countered some of the effects of biting but Felix let go long enough for me to retreat a little.

Raising my hackles, I let out a snarl, letting him know that I wasn't going to back down from this fight. My honour was on the line, but so was his. So, either one of us was going to end up with a very deflated ego or dead.

Felix pounced without warning, to which I dodged but not fast enough and I felt my back legs collapse under me as Felix landed on top of me. Quickly I flipped over, not wanting him to sink his teeth back into my scruff.

But as I turned I felt Felix clamp down on my throat and squeeze, I knew then I was in trouble as I couldn't turn without his teeth sinking into my flesh. So, I did the only thing I could do, attempted to use my paws to scratch at his belly.

Though it seemed Felix had learned from y previous escape and didn't loosen his hold as much as he had before. Whining now I wriggled to try and get out of his grasp but he wouldn't allow it, my claws apparently not having any effect on him whatsoever.

It was when I had quietened down that Felix finally let me go, but he continued to stand over me as if to say that I was now the lowest ranked pack member there was. I wasn't quite there, but Felix beating me did lower my rank considerably.

When I transformed back into my human form I didn't turn to either Felix or Pepper, how could I?

"Get out," was all I said and this time both listened. When I heard the door closing behind the both of them I let out a frustrated gurgle as reality sank in...if my parents were to die tomorrow Felix would likely take over the role of alpha and not me, he had thoroughly shown me that I was as weak as a female...or as weak as a child.

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