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Mingyu's POV

Another day at the green room and it's like I'm in a prison full of idiots.It's not that I hate what I'm doing it's just that sometimes I'm getting tired of everything. Doing the same thing everyday without knowing if I will ever debut. If it wasn't from the people who I met here maybe I have already left being a trainee. "Mingyu! We need to practice our song. Where is your lyrics?" Oh great. I still haven't finished writing my rap. "Hyung! I still haven't finished my verse!" I said "Then do it now. Hansol and I are already done. I don't know about Wonwoo though." Wonwoo hyung! Right! "Where is Wonwoo hyung?" I asked Seungcheol hyung "I think he is in the other room writing his verse." I gave him an ok sign before I leave. Why didn't I think about that. Wonwoo is good with words. He can help me.

"Wonwoo hyung!!!!" I jumped behind him and he flinched because I surprised him. "What do you want Mingyu? I'm busy." He plainly said to me. "Nothing. Just checking how are you. You're so busy." Hehehe. How will I ask him for help? "Maybe because I'm doing my verse for our performance so stop bugging me and finish your verse or do you want Seungcheol hyung to kick your soul out of your ass?" Wow. That's too bold for Wonwoo hyung. But I don't want my soul to kicked out so I think I really need to finish my verse. NOW. "Well you see hyung. I can't finish my verse." I said "What do you mean? Mingyu stop slacking." Wonwoo hyung said while his eyes are now focused on his laptop. How can I ask him when he is also doing his verse?! God I need help. "Do you need help?" My eyes widened and I look at Wonwoo who is still busy at his work. "N-no thanks hyung. I can do it. I just need time." What the hell are you saying Mingyu?! You obviously need help! "Well let me tell you. You don't have enough time on your plate boy. Now stop fooling around and bring your work here and I'll help you."

I jumped around with a crazy smile plastered on my face because Wonwoo hyung is goimg to help me! And I didn't even ask for it! I went to get my laptop and came back to Wonwoo hyung who is still busy so I sat beside him. "Now let me see what you have already done." I show Wonwoo hyung my work and he took my laptop. "You still have alot of work to do here Mingyu. Why?" I scratched my head because of embarrasement. "Well you see, I got blank and I can't think of the perfect words to write." He just looked at me and I smiled at him. "You know if Seungcheol hyung found out about this you're dead right?" I know. "I know hyung, that's why please help me!!😭" I said while I'm shaking his chair. "Fine! I will! It's not like I have a choice." I smiled at him before I hug him!

"THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I'M SO LUCKY TO HAVE A BESTFRIEND LIKE YOU IN MY LIFE!! I will make it up to you someday I promise!"



-YEY! My second book is out👏💐🎉 I'm sorry if this chapter is too short but you know me pips. 1st and 2nd chapters will always be short because it is just introductions of the characters. But! The next chapters are thousand words. Hihihi💙✌

I hope you guys will like it just like how you all did with my other story. Hihihi💕💕

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