Vampire Mikaela

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Mika walked in the small house he,Yuu,Shinoa,Mitsuba,kimizuki,Yoichi and Narumi were currently staying...He went with them in order to protect Yuu-chan 4 months ago, hating them because of the experiments humans did to Yuu-chan. They weren't that bad after all, if only a bit, he could trust them.
He noticed Shinoa trying her best to make him feel comfortable and he appreciated it but didn't know how to show it...
He tried his best to see them like family but it wasn't gonna happen so easily. He needed time and his emotions were fading after all.

Makoto Narumi though would act hostile towards him; couldn't blame him. Mika too, felt the same way about himself: a disgusting bloodsucker...but even so he wanted Narumi to like him a bit more.

While in the kitchen Mika prepared some curry.Although he couldn't taste it he knew it would be good; Akane taught him all that time ago. Oh how he missed his family and eating normal food...After he put the food on the table the others came back from their patrol in the village; they protected it and in return, the villagers gave them ingredients and a place to stay.

"Ahhhh man I'm so hungry" complained Yuu-chan

haha..yuu-chan always complained
...but in the 4 years Mika spent apart from him, he missed his whining; can't say he particularly missed it now though

"Oh Mika-kun you cooked today?"  Yoichi was surprised, but a bit pleased as well

"Yes I had a lot of free time after all"

"Good thing I'm not the only one that can cook in here..this thing was getting pretty tiring" sighed Kimizuki as he sat at the table

meanwhile Narumi sat down while not saying anything

"Oi Mika what did you make??" asked Yuu, "I hope it's something good not like the crap Kimizuki makes"


"calm down you two!!" yelled Mitsuba

Mika was really entertaining to watch them argue all the time

"ok ok let's eat" Yuu said as everyone was sat down with a plate in front of them..Except Mika

"Mika are you not gonna eat??" asked Yuu full of concern

"No...i can't taste it after all"

"Then I'm not gonna eat either!" said Yuu stubbornly

"Now,now Yuu-chan you should eat your food. It's Akane's curry recipe after all don't let it go to waste"

"Then promise me that after I eat you're gonna drink a bit! You must be hungry too"


"..." Yuu stared intensely at Mika


Yuu's face lightened up immediately! His smile was so pure it was hard not to feel gay looking at it
(author's note: I wanted to put joy/happy instead of gay but how could I miss the chance)

"Itadakimasu!!!" said everyone and they started eating

"wow Mika it's just like Akane's" said Yuuichirou

"It's really good Mikaela!!!" shouted Shinoa.
Mitsuba & Yoichi moved their heads in agreement; they had their mouths full with food so they couldn't speak

"I guess there is someone who can rival my cooking...You're still worse than me though!!" said Kimizuki and everyone started laughing

"Kimizuki-kun you're being mean" Yoichi said while giggling

"It's...good" Makoto forced out while blushing. He didn't want Mika to think he liked him after all

The room was filled with laugher and wonderful smells.
If only for that moment Mikaela forgot he was an ugly bloodsucker...If only for that moment Mikaela felt like he belonged somewhere...If only for that moment Mikaela didn't feel lonely anymore...If only for that moment, Mika was happy...


okkk how was the story so far? Next chapter will be about Mika, then Yuu then the others...well this fic is mostly about Mika tbh surrounding him and his relationships with the others (as "in my darkness" refers to Mika's darkness inside) and the chapter after that he's gonna argue with Makoto (oops sorry kinda spoiled it there)

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