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Everyone has gone on patrol in the town, more like ashes and (mostly) destroyed building now, except Narumi and Mika.
Mika realised that he wasn't particulary liked by Narumi but it was their turn to stay back, he didn't have to talk to him if he didn't want to...Mika planned to cook and Narumi'd be cleaning the rooms that the squad was sleeping in...He just hoped Yuu-chan would hurry back quickly

"If you want I can stay back instead of you" Yoichi had said with his usual smile on his face

"No it's okay Yoichi...erm..-san"

"Just Yoichi is fine Mika-kun" Yoichi replied and left with the others on patrol with a brighter than before smile on his face...even his olive eyes were shining...Mika didn't know how someone can be that happy but good for him he guessed...Ughh why did he refuse his offer in the first place now he was stuck here, unable to protect Yuu-chan AND with someone who lowkey hates him

"It's just us two now bloodsucker" Narumi suddenly said from the stairs

"I guess we are human." If he was gonna be rude then Mika was free to be as well

"Whoa what's with the attitude kid?"

"first you call me a bloodsucker and now a kid? What's next?" Honestly Mika was 100% done with the humans and their shit

Narumi descended the stairs and started heading towards the narrow kitchen in which the blonde vampire was in
After walking through the living room (if you could call it that, without any furniture in it) he entered the kitchen and stood right in front of Mika's face

"i suggest you step back if you don't want your head flying" Mika declared, a bitter tone he'd learn how to use very well in Sanguinem, the vampire city in the four years he spent there

"Are you threatening me vampire?"

"Of course not...it's just a friendly warning" Mika said sarcasticly, not busting an inch, with a clearly fake smile

Narumi stepped back...
"come with me outside for a bit"


"You'll see"

Mika never trusted humans, but if Yuu-chan did then he too could give it a try. For Yuu-chan's sake

"okay, only because you are Yuu-chan's-" Mika paused for a couple of seconds, "...family, I'll trust you just this once"

Narumi's expression softened for a second..no- was it guilt? But it disappeared just as suddenly as it appeared and Mika didn't know what to make of it. He forgot what it was like to have many different emotions after all; the only emotions Mika was still able to feel after 4 years in Sanguinem were anger, and care for his family, Yuu-chan. All the others were faded

They finally reached outside and Narumi stepped close to Mika once more

"Erm...Narumi..-san?" Mika was pretty confused, he was almost sure that Narumi hated him, so why was he so close?

"can I see your hand for a second?"

"I'm wearing gloves"

"It's okay just give me your hand"

The vampire lifted his right hand but before he could bring it to a horizontal level Narumi spoke

"I meant your left hand."

Okayy..Mika was really confused at this point, what the hell does he want? But nevertheless he did as the human asked

"would you mind if I removed your glove?" Narumi asked, no emotions present in his voice.
He was hard to read even for Mika who was, not to brag, almost an expert at reading people.He did it to Yuu-chan all the time...It was cute seeing his flustered face and hearing him shout "stop doing that Mika it's creepy!!"
How he missed those times...The times when he was still broken, but very very happy

Lost in thought he hadn't realised that Narumi had already taken off his glove and had his hand on the ring Mika was wearing

"wait Narumi no don't take that off!!" Mika shouted but it was too late

"I'm sorry Mika..but your kind killed my whole family" Narumi said, running inside with the ring still in his hand and locking the door

"they killed my whole family too" Mika finally managed to whisper

His UV ray-blocking ring was now gone..it was the only thing keeping the sun from burning him. He never actually experienced it as he had been wearing the ring for the past 4 years but in the first couple of seconds after the door closed he felt nothing wrong..On the contrary the sun felt warm on his skin until that warmness started growing hotter and hotter every second and never stopped...His skin was literally smoking, he could smell his burning flesh and only one thing was on his mind...escaping the sun. shadow, he just had to find some shadow...Gosh it was so hard, almost impossible, to think rationally, to even think actually, in this situation

"THE HOUSE" Mika shouted and ran to the house, trying to ignore his excruciating pain but failing. It was more than 1000 times worse than not drinking blood and that hurt like hell.
The door was locked but that couldn't keep a vampire from breaking it.

"NO NO NO NO" the door wouldn't open, a spell was cast on it

"NARUMI YOU BASTARD OPEN UP, OPEN UP RIGHT NOW UGHHH" it was hard to even speak, every tiny movement, every tiny bit of energy wasted made Mika hurt even more
He was practically screaming now,tears would be forming in his eyes if he wasn't so terribly dehydrated

"I TRUSTED YOU, YOU *many swear words present here* OPEN UP...PLEASE IM GONNA DO ANYTHING PLEASE JUST OPEN UP" Mika couldn't think about anything right now his only thought to escape the pain, "IF YOU OPEN THE DOOR I'M GOING TO LEAVE, YOU'LL NEVER SEE ME AGAIN JUST PLEASE"

*Mika's POV*

...sorry Yuu-chan the pain is more than I can take
It hurts, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts

I need to find shadow right now

It hurts

ughh think Mika think look around

But it hurts

A shadow anything, control yourself Mika you can do this

It hurts, it hurts, the pain is too much
Yuu-chan help me, help me Yuu-chan

*3rd person POV*

Mika's eyes locked on a tree, not losing any time he ran under it in split seconds

"A tree I've been saved" Mika thought

He felt the pain easing, slowly vanishing as his body healed itself

"why me,why me" Mika cried out
He couldn't re-live this experience,he couldn't even think about the pain he felt, it was just too terrifying.
He couldn't feel or think about anything at the moment
He felt only one emotion; fear
and he knew only one thing; he didn't want to feel this pain. ever. again.

Mika found himself hugging his knees and silently sobbing...He usually held back his tears, or cried where no one could see him...
Right now he couldn't hold back. He didn't only cry about what just happened but he cried about everything.
Becoming a vampire, hating himself, drinking Yuu-chan's, his family's blood to survive, leading his family to their death, being lonely for four years up to now, not remembering how to smile, not being able to move on, being stuck in the same body while Yuu grows up and leaves him behind, Yuu dying and him living on, alone for eternity...
he cried about everything.


author's note: This chapter had so much potential but I ruined it with my sloppy and awful writing
I'm sorry i was kinda rushing it and it's 1 am 😂 I'll probably come back to it tomorrow and fix it

Mikayuu in the next chapter and it'll probably be the last one (or the one before the last one)

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