Were, are and will be my everything

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Yuu couldn't stand these guys; why were they friends again?

"But Yuu-chan, I love you" Shinoa teased him once more...the same gig has been running for ages after Yuu confessed to them about how he felt about Mika. He couldn't even be around Mika without turning bright red and stuttering. That's partially a reason why he wanted to go to this expedition without him; he could barely function around Mika any more.

"Mika I feel the same, I have loved you since the day we met" imitated him Mitsuba

"Be my boyfriend Yuu-chan??"

"Of course I will Mika!!" said Mitsuba while her and shinoa made kissing noises

"Honestly...when will you stop teasing poor Yuu?" defended him Kimizuki

"oh~? Does Kimizuki actually like Yuu-chan~?" teased shinoa

"back off he's mine!" Mitsuba imitated Mika once more

"Kimizuki-kun is right...i think y-you should just leave Y-Yuu-kun alone" interrupted Yoichi

"If Yoichi-san so kindly asks then ofcourse we will stop~"

Walking back from the village to their shack was an awfully long way of teasing and Yuu & Kimizuki being done with everyone. Why did these people have to make Yuu's life so hard? Still...better than studying for maths ,or anything school related to be honest.

"Guys...is -is that Mika?" asked Kimizuki

"Why would he be staying under a tree?" contradicted Mitsuba

"Well...he is a vampire right?" replied Yoichi

"Yeah but vampires don't have to stay in the shadow anymore..they developed these ring-bracelet thingies so they can stay in the sun. Mika and I always walk in the sun together...I -I mean...sometimes!!" Yuu turned bright red; he didn't think he could handle anymore teasing

"...guys that IS Mika-san" shinoa shouted

"Why is Mika outside? Even with a UV ray blocker, vampires still get drained from being out for too long" said Kimizuki

Yuu immedialty ran to Mika's side, he wouldn't just leave him there alone

"Mika? Mika are you okay?"

"Yuu...-chan?" Mika's eyes were red and sore from the dried tears around his eyes...He was also starving; he needed energy to heal especially after burning but ,as always, he didn't want to mention it to Yuu

"Mika are you okay? Why are you out here?" Yuu asked

"Narumi put a spell on the door so I can't enter..."

"Why..why would Narumi do something like that? And why aren't you wearing gloves?" Yuu asked again

"Yuu-chan...do you think I could...maybe...drink some blood?"

"of course Mika here" yuu said and dragged down his collar urging Mika to drink. While Mika drank Yuu's mind was racing. So many things didn't add up...why was Mika alone out here and why would Narumi leave him? Furthermore, Mika rarely asked for blood on his own and that early into a conversation. What had happened? Mika wasn't being clear about what happened at all; he made it really hard for Yuu to understand

"Mika-san give me your hand" Interrupted shinoa

"I'd rather not..."

"I'm not gonna stop bothering you until you give me your left hand Mika-san"

"I honestly don' have the energy to deal with you. Here" Mika said and stretched out his arm

Yoichi was concerned
"Mika-kun...where's your UV blocking ring?"

"oh that..Narumi took it" Mika almost had zero energy left but felt it slowly coming back after drinking Yuu's blood

"Mika? What are you saying?" asked Mitsuba

"THAT'S RIGHT NARUMI, I'M GONNA KILL THAT BASTARD" shouted Mika; all his energy had suddenly come back. He tried to leave the protection of the tree but quickly stopped before stepping out of its shadow, realising what he was about to do; couldn't go out in the sun without his ring
"actually...i think I'm gonna wait a bit, you guys can go in"

"Mika what did that bastard Narumi do to you? tell me so I can go kick his ass!!" Yuu declared

"Isn't it obvious stupid Yuu? Narumi took his ring and locked him out in the sun!" , announced Kimizuki

"I'd just appreciate it if you could get it back for me" Mika said..he couldn't remember the experience -no, he didnt want to remember it because it was too much for him

"Mika...were you in pain? Less that not drinking blood or?" Yuu asked

Mika felt himself tearing up. When he turned around all the squad looked at him with sad, caring faces

"oh my god Mika are you okay?" Yuu ran to him

"It hurt Yuu-chan" Mika started sobbing uncontrollably, "i don't want to remember it because it hurt so much"

Mika sat by the tree, Yuu immediately crouching next to him

"it was at least 1000 times worse than not drinking blood...I can't...i don't want to remember it, it was too painful,it hurt"

Yuu sat besides Mika next to the tree and slowly pet his soft, golden hair reassuringly

"Shh, Mika it's okay, I'm here..." yuu silently said, "talk to me if you want, I'll be right by your side the whole time"

"It hurt Yuu-chan!" Mika was crying and couldn't stop; today he had cried more than he did during all four years he spent at Sanguinem
"And it's not just that...the pain just reminded me how very NOT human I am! It reminded me how much I hate being a vampire! Everything is fine now, we look the same age -ARE the same age, but you'll grow up, get sick of me and leave me behind! You'll forget me and I'll just be alone for eternity! I'll never be able to taste food again -curry, like the one Akane made...I miss akane..and the kids...so SO much but I know I'll never see them again! Maybe -if I was human- I could hope I'd see them in heaven but vampires don't go to heaven...We have nothing to hope for; bored for centuries just to become a demon or disintegrate...I can't live like this Yuu-chan it's too much for me! First my parents abandoned me, then I was left alone in Sanguinem as all my family died right in front of my eyes because of me and then, one day, you are going to leave me too!"

Yuu couldn't believe what he was hearing...leave him? How could he? He loved Mika more than anything in the whole world; Mika was, is and will be his everything, he can't live without him; he has no reason to -no purpose
How could Mika possibly think any of that? He had to let Mika know how he felt about him; everything he felt about him...but how? How could he convey his emotions to Mika? He wasn't too sure about it himself but there was no time for thinking; Mika would completely break down if he kept going.
So, Yuu did the only thing that felt right at the moment

He kissed Mika


aand there you have it, the chapter that took me so long to write bc honestly I was putting it off (bc of school work and anime) 😂 Yesterday while procrastinating for my maths test, I started it and found inspiration along the way?? (I got 73.5% tho 😭)

About 2 chapters of this story left and I decided to make Mikayuu canon!!!(in this fic at least cause I don't ever see it becoming in the manga unfortunately)

Hope you liked it 😄

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2017 ⏰

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