chaptet 1. moving

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"wake up rose!!"
I wake to find my dad opening the curtains in a hurried state.
"Dad!" I groan.  "Come on 10 more minutes!" I pull the covers over my head, which completely distinguishes the light from my vision. "The moving van will be here soon just get dressed"
I knew that I would never see this house again. Ever since my mom passed away me and my dad never moved a single item in this house.
I get dressed and go downstairs, I find myself looking through the cupboard for breakfast. "There's Bacon in the pan its youres!" I take the bacon and put it on a plate and I stare at my dad as I eat it. He was packing all the books and pictures of mom. The only thing I have left of her is her necklace she gave me. I finish my Bacon and I wash my plate and pack it away with the rest of the cutlery and plates, bowls etc. "Go upstairs and make sure you haven't left anything the moving van will be here soon." He says in a rush "sure thing dad." I go upstairs into my bedroom and I open the closet. I find the dress I wore at my mum and dads wedding, a old pare of shoes and a stuffed plushy I had as a toddler. I pack them all in a box and push it downstairs. I pick up a hoodie of the ground and put it on, I go down stairs and and the moving van parks near the house. "Alright you said you're goodbyes rose?" He asks. "Yeah dad" I take one final looks at the house as it disappears from view in the window mirror of the car.

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