chapter 5. our circle.

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We walk into a forested off area and we all lay out a sheet then a pentagram , incense etc. "Shall we begin?" Says the middle girl. She puts a athame (a ritual knife) to one of the girls throats and says "how do you enter this circle?" She replies with "with perfect peace and perfect trust." She does the same to the other girl and then she puts it to my throat. "How do you enter this circle?" I nervously reply "with perfect peace and perfect trust."  "Good" she says.
"Now we must finish the circle joining" says the other girl." They get a chalice and fill it with red wine. The first girl holds the chalice. "I drink of my sisters to think of myself of buetifull as well as in as out." She drinks some of the wine. She passes it to the other girl. "I drink of my sisters to not see the worst in life." She drinks some wine she passes it to the
Next girl. "I drink of my sisters to feel buetifull with or without makeup." She passes it to me. "I-" I think for a moment. "I want to be able to stop violence when needed." I drink the rest of the wine.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 27, 2017 ⏰

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