Chapter 4

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So basically Rocky  and Ryland had come up with a perf plan to get Riker and Ratliff back but they figured why not include everyone they decided they are gonna prank everyone. Rocky and Ryland are sitting in a field holding water guns, water balloons, and silly string.

With Rocky and Ryland

Rocky- Dude I'm so excited this is gonna be awesome

Ryland- Totally, I'm gonna text them and tell them there has been an emergency

Rocky- Ya then they would get here quicker

Ryland- nothing to severe though cause we don't won't an ambulance or something

~Rylands P.OV.~

I texted everyone saying that Rocky is hurt and he needs you guys up here, but don't worry its nothing 911 worthy! Once I sent it everyone replied back almost immediently saying stuff

Ike "omg is he OK I'm on my way!!!" and "dont worry I'll be there in a few"  and Ratliff who was secretly in on this said "should I bring you guys an extra change of clothes"? A few minutes later we heard cars pulling up so we hid but we left just enough water guns and balloons out for everyone, you could tell by there faces everyone was confused but while they were distracted we jumped out and start spraying them.

~P.O.V Over~

Rocky and Ryland- (both start spraying everyone)

Everyone except Rocky and Ryland- (started grabbing water balloons and guns)

RIker- Hahah can't get me sucke- (gets cut off by a water balloon to the chest)

Ratliff and Rydel slowly unintentionally stray till they are farther away from everyone else by now it's been a good hour and a half of just throwing and spraying water

Rydel- (jokingly) haha I've got u now

Ratliff- (jokingly) oh no please don't hurt me have mercy!!.... wait what's that?

Rydel- (looks in other direction)

Ratliff- (tackess Rydel so he is laying on top of her)

Rydel- heyyyy no fair!!

Ratliff- well here this will make it better (starts to lean in)

Rydel- (starts to lean in until their lips meet)


Rydellington- (breaks the kiss)

Ratliff- (snaps back into reality) umm hey we should get back they guys are prob wondero where we are (gets off of her and helps her up)

Rydel- yeah probs

When they get back they see the guys arguing over who won so Rydel and Ell break it up and they all pack up and leave so now they are all sitting in an awkwardly silent car while Rydel and Ell are just staring off into space and Riker notices

~Riker's P.O.V~

what's going on with those two they both have been so distracted lately, I wonder if something happend between them..... Naw whatever it is they are besties they'll get over it! Although they both did disappear in the middle of the battle that I totally won I guess I'll have to do some investigating but that is for another day I'm to exhausted right now.

~P.O.V Over

They all head home and Riker and Ryland go to bed but everyone else stays up

Ross- So what do you guys wanna do?

Rocky- we could watch a movie

Rydel- okay let's watch flowers in the attic I heard its supposed to be really good.

Everyone else- Okay

Its almost at the end of the movie and Ratliff and Rydel are the only ones still up

At a scary scene Rydel snuggles into Ratliff's chest and Ratliff takes her hand to try to comfort her and they both quickly fall asleep holding hands

Sorry I rushed the ending its getting late and I really wanted to finish tonight. Also its getting hard to type cause its like lagging but I hoped you enjoyed the rydellington, well goodnight

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