Chapter 9

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~Ratliffs P.O.V~


        As soon as those words left my mouth I instantly regretted it but it was to late now.

~P.O.V over~

Ratliff I..I Lo.. Love you. you to Rydel stuttered the whole alley became stiff. To break the silence Rydel says I've actually loved you ever since you first

joined R5. Really you have Ratliff asked shocked,  ya I have. After a few seconds of silence Rydel started of with Ratli- but Ratliff cut her off by slamming his

Lip against hers. When they finally seperated after a few seconds Ratliff said they should get on the bus so they both awkwardly went back to the bus and Ratliff went to bed without saying a word to anyone.

~Rydels P.O.V~

Ratliff went to bed without saying a word to anyone and he seemed upset, does he regret the kiss? Does he not feel the same way? My thoughts were driving me crazy before I started biting my nails I was interrupted by Ross asking me if I was ok. I must if been thinking for a while because when I looked up they were all staring at me and I just told them I was just tired. They suggested that I go to sleep but I didn't want to face Ratliff so I declined but I did go to the bathroom and take of all my makeup and jewerly , when I got into the back room where everyone but Ratliff was everyone was on the Xbox playing fifa so I made myself comfortable and watched but before I knew it I was drifting off to sleep.

~3 hours later

I woke up because I accidentally rolled of the couch you think someone would of woke me up so I didn't have to sleep upon the couch but no. Anyway I went into the kitchen and got a quick drink of water then throwing my phone on charge with 3 other phones it seems Rocky didn't but his on charge, one of them had a unread message from someone named Jordan I then could tell it was Ratliffs phone curiously I looked at the message it said " I miss you xoxo". I knew it was wrong looking at his private messages and then I felt bad because I would of preferred not seeing that. I decided to ask him about it tommorow, I then quietly headed back to my actual bunk bed it seemed everyone was sleeping except for Rocky who was sitting under the covers but the light of his phone screen was visible. I climbed in my bed quietly but then I heard Rocky's voice say ever so quietly Rydel go to sleep I replied with a you to sarcastically. When I turned over and closed my eyes I heard the faint click of the iPhones signature power button, I thought oh Rocky, then drifted to sleep.

Not just friends~RydellingtonWhere stories live. Discover now