~*2*~ A Vampire Revelation

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Chapter 2

"Hello, sweetie."

I whipped around so fast, my image blurred as I stared at the woman behind a desk. When had I entered this room? More of my instincts, I suspect. I tend to follow them without thinking or knowing I am. The woman looked shocked, but surely she knew I was a vampire. I glanced around, to see no one was in the room besides me and her, but the door was ajar and students streamed past freely.

"You must be the vampire. Slater Light, yes?" So she did know I was a vampire. It made sense why there was only a small flash of fear in her eyes when I turned as quickly as I did. I lazily made my way towards her desk and leaned my elbows on it, so I was eye to eye. The woman gulped at the closeness, as I closed my eyes, embracing the sounds of her heart accelerating with fear she tried to hide from me. But she reeked of fear, new and old. She had been frightened recently.

"Here you go, Slater," she said, coughing to hide the shakiness. I opened my eyes slowly and smiled at her, almost flashing my fangs. She noticed and gulped again.

"Thank you," I purred, staring intently into her eyes as I grabbed the things from her hands. My hand brushed hers, and she flinched and shivered from the sudden cold.

Smirking, I looked over my papers as I walked from the small, confined room. There was no way I would be able to stay in that room with that woman, or I would certainly be overcome with blood lust. I hadn't fed from a fresh source in a week, and I was crumbling slowly. My stomach rumbled as I walked, still hungry and needing more blood. I wanted to fill it, but had nothing to do so with.

1st period/Homeroom: Ms. Wagner: 12:35 pm - 1:35 pm

2nd period: Science - Mr. Henry: 8:30 am - 9:45 am

3rd period: Art - Mrs. Nickel: 9:50 am - 10:00 am

4th period: Health - Ms. Deisel: 10:05 am - 11:10 am

Lunch Break: 11:20 am - 12:30 pm

5th period: History - English Literature - Mrs. Frittz: 7:35 am - 8:30 am

Break period/Study hall: 1:40 pm - 2:10 pm

6th period: Mathematics/Calculus - Mr. Jones: 2:15 pm - 2:55 pm

7th period: Physical Education - Mr. Carter: 3:00 pm - 3:50pm

School got out later that I hoped, but much earlier than vampire schools. I would have to feed as soon as PE ended, or sneak a few packs during lunch, because I wasn't sure how long I could handle not feeding. I walked to my homeroom. It was easy to find the classroom. So far, it had mostly been filled with students sitting atop desks and laughing or flirting. None seemed to notice me as I walked to the back of the room and sat in the back in the middle row, my only materials a pen and my schedule.

I slid down in my seat, tapping my pen on my desk, which was drowned out by the sound of blood pounding through the mere children around me. Damnit, I'm old enough to be their great grandparents' grandparent, and I have to spend time with them!? I sighed as I slid further in my seat, eyes unfocused on the head in front of me. I didn't care who it was. My sight wasn't even on the vein in his neck.

A few seconds later, everyone had arrived and the final bell rang its shrill cry. A strict old lady, maybe mid thirties and no husband, arrived in the room and students practically sprinted to their seats. I guess she was one of those mean teachers. Then she picked up a clip board and read through it, flipped a page, scowled, searched the room, and looked straight at me. She smiled. Maybe she's one of those strict but nice old ladies.

"You." Ms. Wagner pointed at me and motioned for me to come up. "Come tell us something about yourself."

"Alright," I mumbled, pushing myself out of my seat. I walked straight to the front of the room and turned to face the class, smirking. "My name is Slater Light, I like the night time, and don't eat much."

A Vampires RevelationWhere stories live. Discover now