Meaning of Life

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There's a particular question that has been passed down through each generation. This specific question has the power to completely stump people. Even people who pretend to know the answer to sound sophisticated or put-together are confused. Hell, even I'm confused. This question has gone years, decades, maybe even centuries unanswered. Maybe there isn't even an answer. Maybe it's just there to make us think; to make us evaluate ourselves and regret certain actions in our past. No one exactly has a solid answer to the question, if they even have one. The question often comes to my mind when I'm in the shower or lying in bed, unable to turn my brain off. So thinking about it, I've managed to come up with my own version of an answer. The answer is vague, and perhaps drastically incorrect, but it's my view, my thoughts, my answer to 'What is the meaning of life?'

As a Catholic, I have to believe that the meaning of life is to follow God's plan: bring peace, love and justice to other people and preach the word of God. But what if I don't believe in everything the Church teaches? What about the other religions, the other beliefs? Well, I believe there's a common ground to the actual meaning of life. That common ground being 'change.' Everyone is put on earth for a reason. Most people think that reason is to bring happiness to people, which I admit is the purpose for some people, not all though. I separate the positive and the negative people. Let's start with the positive: they are supposed to help others; make them smile or laugh, start a revolution, etcetera. Positivity is supposed to bring more positive influences to 'life.' The positive work together to make people stronger; help them get past their obstacles in order to prosper into positivity, into happiness.

The negative, however, is NOT irrelevant. They have a purpose in life, too. They are here for a reason, and that reason is to try and bring the positive people down. Yes, drag them down to negativity. Those people are essential to positivity, to life. In order for someone to be positive, they would've had to conquer something bad to be able to have that sort of outlook on life. The negative people test the positive ones; they challenge them to either stay positive and be even stronger than before, enabling them to help others even better in the future, or the positive will admit defeat and become negative, taking on the job of trying to take down the positive. Negativity is supposed to be present in everybody's life because it'll determine your reason for living, your meaning to life. Either be negative and try to bring people down (positive into negative) or be positive and bring others happiness (negative into positive). This basically goes in a cycle, and each rotation is a new level, bringing more difficulty to the challenge.

Life is like a video game, getting harder each achievement you get and each challenge you pass. You play as the character that you resemble: the good or the bad. That is your side, your team that you stand for. You have an objective that you must strive for, and you will either fail or succeed. Depending on whether you fail or succeed, you will either stay on your team, or join the other. The team you are on doesn't matter though, because both are essential to LIFE. They both need the other in order to prosper, in order to move on to the next challenge. The video game is never ending, however. People think that it'll end once you die, but that's wrong. It doesn't end; it never does. Once you die, it's left incomplete; unfinished. Basically, it's on pause. It'll remain paused until someone picks up from where you left off. That someone will be from a future generation. This future will have the same tasks and missions as we do now, they will just have different tools and different scenarios. Life continues to go on even when your life ends; there's nothing you can do about that. But, what you can do is your job; positive or negative. Life is and always will be based around that. You just got to get through the obstacles and help others because that is the meaning of life. Not God, not Satan, not faith or hope, and not even love is the reason to live, but to help our brothers and sisters.

Take into account that this is my version of the answer to that infamous question. So I'm not telling you what your purpose is, nor am I telling you how to live your life. I'm just stating my own opinions, because everybody has them. This is just my way of getting them out of my head, so I can move on with the next thought. But if I were to give you advice on how to live your life, and if you were genuinely open to hearing me out, then I would tell you this: find your own purpose.

My purpose is to make people smile, to make them happy because everyone goes through tough crap, and if I can remind them that there is a brighter side, that there is a chance to being happy, even if it is slight, then that can completely change their perspective on things. One little smile can take someone out of their depression, out of their negativity, and change them into a positive team player. If I can do that, then my goal will be accomplished. My meaning to life will be fulfilled, and it has been fulfilled. And I will continue doing it until the day I die, and I hope that someone in the future, whether it be five or five-hundred years, will take the game off of pause and keep on playing.

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