Restless ●Even●

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It was currently 2am and Even couldn't sleep. His mind was preoccupied on the boy he saw earlier in the day. The boy who came into the cafe with the familiar girl he had recognized from classes. Eva, he finally remembered. That was her name.

Thinking of the younger looking boy only made him keep tossing and turning. Finally, he gave up and quietly climbed out of bed, trying not to wake the sleeping girl next to him. He tiptoed out of the room and into the hall before picking up a jacket and slipping on a pair of shoes. Swiftly, he made his way down the corridor, making sure he wasn't making too much noise.

The cold of the night surprised him a bit, but he didn't mind too much. He put the keys into his ignition, but the car wouldn't start up. Sighing in complete frustration, he climbed out of the car and tried to find the issue. After around twenty minutes, he gave up and locked the door. Even knew what he needed to get, and he wasn't about to turn around and go back into his apartment.

So, he went with his second plan and got onto a tram. The silence of the ride nearly made him fall asleep, but he caught himself and snapped his head upwards. The short ride came to a stop and he hurriedly rushed out.

After searching the empty park for around twenty minutes, his phone died. Even knew that he wanted nothing more than to just get back home and embrace his warm bed. He had used the flashlight on his phone, but that failed. Everything felt useless.

He felt absolutely crazy for coming out here in the early morning hours searching for a damn book. There were only pieces of paper after all. What's the point of-

Even trips and falls face-first onto the soaked grass. He examined the ground before finding exactly what he had been looking for. The book.

Even snatches it up before jogging down to the busy streets of Oslo. Instead of waiting for the bus, he decided to flag down a nearby taxi and hop inside. For some reason, he didn't want to look down at the book. He didn't know what it was about and he felt almost afraid to open it. Instead, he pulls his bag out and carefully places it inside. He was too tired, but was just glad to have gotten the book.

Even didn't know why, he didn't know why he felt so compelled to find this book at two in the morning. He didn't know why he felt a strong urge to search for this book that he didn't seem to care one bit about earlier. He wasn't much of a person to do things like this, but it made him feel almost, well, happy in a sense. Happy was an emotion Even hadn't felt in a while. Even the word "happy" made him uncomfortable. What a bullshit word.

Even rolled over on his side, expecting to see Sonja right next to him. He sat upright and checked to see if she was somehow hidden underneath the covers. He tilted his head in confusion before noticing a note lying on the pillow.

"Have to go to work early, lov-"

He crumpled up the note before walking over to the bathroom and throwing it in the trash. His day had already became slightly better knowing that Sonja was out. Even let out a sigh of relief before looking down at his hands. He had a few scrapes along his fingers and wrists, but nothing alarming.

He was in confusion for a few seconds before realizing where he had gone last night. The book. He had placed that book inside his bag.

Even slowly makes his way down the stairs, finally spotting his blue bag by the front door. Right as he carefully reached down to pick it up, a loud noise startled him. Even jolted when he realized that it was the sound of his alarm. His last alarm. He had slept through all six of his alarm and this was his last one.

Even quickly turned off the sound and ran down the hall. He switched his old sweatpants for a pair of black jeans; not bothering to put on a new shirt. He hurriedly ran his hands through his messy, knotted hair. He splashed his face with water and caught a quick glimpse of himself in the mirror. A trainwreck would be an understatement.

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