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Anastasia's Pov

I felt someone playing with my hair. I shuffled a little and they stopped. I furrowed my eyebrows with my eyes closed and grabbed their hand again and put it back to my head earring a chuckle. I opened my eyes to see Derek looking down at me. I put my head on his chest and bear hugged him.

"Morning babygirl." He said. "Morning dickhead." I mumbled still half asleep. He laughed and his chest vibrated. I smiled. This was the best feeling ever to be honest. "You're going to be the death of me." He said making me smile. "Shut up." I mumbled tracing a tattoo on his hand.

He lifted it up and grabbed my hand slowly. Smooth ass motherfucker. We just stayed silent. It was a comfortable silence though. You know what I mean? "Mm I'm hungry and I need some coffee." I said looking up at him. "Cmon I got you." He said getting up letting my hand go. It feels lonely now. What is this boy doing to me.

I got up and looked to have one of his shirts on and some spandex on. He put on some sweatpants throwing me some as well. There comes the overprotectiveness. I put them on and we went downstairs. It was silent. The rest of the guys and Alex are sleeping I guess. I grabbed some waffle mix and started making them while Derek made the coffee.

"I'm so tired man." I said yawning. He grabbed a pill and a water bottle. "You should be, you and Alex had a drinking fest last night, did I mention y'all had a crying moment?" He said making me drink down the pill. "We did? Well shit, I don't remember anything barley." I replied making sure the waffles don't burn.

"And you even danced with me for the first time." He said raising his eyebrows. "That was funny. Stop joking." I said laughing quietly. He smirked and went on Snapchat showing me a video of us. "Oh shit we did. You have a good waistline by the way. Wasn't expecting that from you." I said nodding a little. "Don't judge a book by its covers baby." He smiled.

After we ate and drank our coffee. "Wanna go wake up the lovebirds?" He asked. I nodded and we went to Nate's room. We walked in and thank god they had clothes on. "Why does his bed look so cuddly for a second." I whispered. It was calling my name. I walked over there and I layed myself on both of them. "This is the shit." I said laughing.

Derek came and was next to me. "Aye you fuckers. Wake the fuck up." He said making Nate move which made me fall in between them. "Wow this bed is really comfy." I said yawning and getting under the covers. "Oh god, what time is it?" Nate asked running his face. "It's 11 fucker." I said before yawning again.

"Oh." Alex said going back to sleep, "WAKE THE FUCK UP!" I yelled and she put her hand over my mouth, "You should go back to sleep." She said, I'm done. "You have clothes on right?" I asked, "I'm in my bra and underwear, so if you gonna fucking rip these sheets off of me, I recommend getting ya mans out first." She said with her eyes closed, and the boys laughed, "I'm out." Derek said laughing.

"I honestly do only have a bra and underwear on so fuck off, I'll be down in like fifteen minutes." She said opening her eyes, "Ohmygod I will never see you as the innocent Alexandria anymore." I said laughing and walking out.

"THEY FUCKED!" I yelled and Derek couldn't help but laugh at my sudden outburst. "AGAIN!" I added, "Might wanna keep it down before Alex kills you." Derek said wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

We went to the living room and I put on spongebob while we cuddled, yes, we're cuddling. "Oh look, a couple." Alex said sitting down next to me, I looked at her and she had one of Nate's hoodies on, leggings and socks. "But guess what, I gotta go cause my mother insists on me having breakfast with them today so Im meeting them at iHop cause idk." She said, "Can we come?" Derek asked, "Yeah I guess." She said unlocking her phone, "Nate, get your ass down here." Alex yelled, por dos.

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