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(Krissy's P.O.V.)

I felt dizzier and dizzier the more I drove. I tried to concentrate on the road, but my eyes kept going out of focus. We we're only a block away from the Staples Center and I was determined to make it. We stopped at a stoplight and I began to feel weak.

"You okay babe?"Ashton asked me, I turned to see him starring at me worried.

"I-I 'm okay...Kind of.."I said gripping the steering wheel in fear of not being ble to lift my arms back up.

"Do you want me to drive?"He asked. I shook my head,

"No no...I need you"Then it popped into my head, I knew that Luke ans I had agreed on only using the kiss for an hour for emergencies but this was an emergency.

"Kiss Me!"I shouted. He looked at me confused.

"But the lights green now."He said looking towards the stoplight. The cars behind me began to honk.

"JUST KISS ME YOU IDIOT!"I yelled grabbing him by the shirt collar and smashing my lips onto his. He groaned into the kiss as he kissed me back. I pulled away slowly to see Ashton, eyes still closed, grinning like a mad man.

"GET OFF THE ROAD AND GET A ROOM!"A guy yelled honking and driving around us. Ashton laughed. I smirked then turned back to the wheel and quickly drove before the sign could go red again.

As I pulled into the Staples Center Parking lot I heard Ashton snicker.

"What?"I asked after I parked. I turned to him to see him starring at me.

"Someone sure is feisty."He giggled biting his lip. "So what does this mean?"He asked seriously.

"What does what mean?"

"Us, so are we a thing now? I mean usually after the first date you can tell whether or not you like the person enough to want to be with them or not."

"Well now by the sounds of it you're the feisty one."I laughed. He just stared at me.

I sighed then smiled. "What I meant is, I really do like you.."

A grin appeared on Ashton's face. "I like you too."


Ashton's face dropped. "But what?"

"Why do I get the feeling you don't have much experience with girls?"

"I so do have experience!"He paused "Just not with dating them..."He frowned then looked down.

"Oh Ashton," I lifted up his chin. "I would love to keep going out and all, I just don't want to rush things...This isn't some cliché love novel."I laughed, he smiled a little.

"So I guess you could call us an item...or a thing..." I smirked. He started grinning.

He checked his watch, "Well still have some time, maybe we could stay in the car for a little while and, chat. Test out our thing."He winked grinning even wider.:

I rolled my eyes, "Calm your hormones, and let's go"I laughed. I began to open my car door when Ashton shouted again.

"I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO CAN OPEN YOUR DOOR!"He shouted running out of the car and over to my side to open my door.

"Jesus Christ, are you always going do that?"I asked as I got out.

"Yes..Why does it bother you?"

I nodded.

"Well then just wait for me to open your door!"He said laughing. I couldn't help but laugh along as we walked towards the arena.

Soon enough we made it inside and met up with the others.

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