Part 1

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Lanesboro lost one of their most prized families on December 17th, 2002. The Cartwells' unfortunately were lost to a fatal car accident that seemingly nice day. Well, almost all of the Cartwells. Little Sophia was rescued by something; something that you would never believe existed. She was saved by the wisewolves.

Legend has it, a pack of wisewolves resided in the very forest the Cartwells' drove through every year on their annual Christmas trip. The wisewolves were different than anything you could ever think of. They were said to have been able to converse in any language, which ever one they saw fit. They weren't immortal, but they lived far longer than humans.  As legend spread, more and more people would try to find them. The only problem? Wisewolves were invisible to most humans. Only humans with the purest of hearts were given the honor of being able to see them. As time went on, the legend seemed to die. But the wisewolves lived on peacefully, never to be heard from again.

The Cartwells' were always known for pure hearts, so it would make sense that out of anyone, they would be the family to be blessed with such a gift. The Cartwells' and the wisewolves had gotten along for generations; as they had always kept their existence a secret. Naomi and James made sure to visit the pack at least once a year, hence their annual Christmas trips. While her parents caught up with the elders of the pack, Sophia would play with the wolf pups. Naomi and James never worried about Sophia telling of their existence, as she was so little anyone would have just thought she was making it up. Unknown to Sophia, her parents made the wisewolves promise that if something ever happened to them that they would take care of their daughter, and that if they had the choice to either save the two of them or their daughter that they would save Sophia. The wisewolves admired their selflessness and agreed to their terms.

The wisewolves sensed the Cartwells' in the area at the time of the crash, and knew something was wrong. They ran to the road, where they saw their car on it's side. They sensed a faint life-force in the car, and rushed to see if they could save anyone in the family they held so dearly. They were all extremely hurt, and in order to save them the wisewolves would have to perform an ancient healing ritual. Sadly, the ritual could only work on one person and they didn't have enough time to do it for all of them, as by the time they would have finished one ritual the other two surely would have been too far gone. With heavy hearts, they were reminded of the promise they had made a few years back. So, they took Sophia to their hidden cave and nursed her back to health. With no family left, the elders took on the task of raising Sophia as their own. As for Naomi and James, they performed a ceremony only given to those with the highest honor. they took their souls to the wisewolves' grotto, where they were turned to roses that would never die. They flourished in the magical grotto, their eternal kindness giving their plants a bright pink aura. The wisewolves grieved at the loss of their friends, but made a promise to them that they would always keep their precious little Sophia safe, at all costs.

Sophia was raised as if she was one of the pups, being taught the ways of the wisewolf and how to survive. She was just as energetic as any of the other pups, and could be just as fast as them. She had very few memories of her parents, but at a very young age she was taught of how truly kind and selfless they were. Along with being taught the wisewolf ways, Sophia was also taught all human skills. She was taught never to go past their part of the forest, because once she left their grounds, she would be out of their protection.

As alike as she was to the wisewolves, she was always different. She was human, after all. She was torn between two worlds, never to be fully human, nor would she ever be fully a wisewolf. To the wolves surprise, Sophia could do many things a wisewolf could do; the most unusual thing being that she had all of the same magical abilities. She had the same amount of power over flora and fauna that any other pup had. She understood the wisewolves better than any other human ever had, even more than her parents.

Sophia specifically lived with one of the small families in the pack, who were the closest to her parents. The family just so happened to be the Alpha family. The male alpha was named Balto, and his mate was named Nala. They had two pups; Lupus and Echo. Lupus was one year older than his sister, yet he and Sophia were the same age. Lupus was to succeed Balto when he came of age, as when Balto reached a certain age he would fall back to join the elders of the pack.


So that was the first part of my new story. This was more of a backstory than an official part but the next part will start the story. I hope you all like it, more parts soon! ~ Karly

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