Day 3

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Didn't I tell u that god is the greatest?

The greatest writer, the greatest producer, the greatest director, etc. he's able to diversify his followers into numerous awesome actors and actresses, force them willingly or unwillingly to fit the roles which have to stick together with their greatest gift of free will. Some people have nebulous doubt of God's plan, some of them obediently follow his orders, some of them set interim hostility but keep going with the 'script' called fate, some of them feel that if they hold their dismay long enough God will consider revoking their 'patethic role' change it into the better one, some of them try to find a loophole in his bylaw and maintained their instragient of disbelief toward his direction, some of them learn a bit of his script and become complacent as the way it is thus playing their role happily, some of them commemorate him as an ancient being that didn't exist anymore and proceed with their lives, some of them abide his script blindly and create their own interpretation as a mean of improvisation, therefore, ignoring his guidance by being profoundly dumb.

I can feel you're all judging me, that's palpable. But I want u guys to understand something, I don't blame God for any misfortune that happened in the world, be as it may but I completely (or partially) understand why it needs to happen. We're puppet dammit, so what the hell is wrong with puppeteer playing his show to amuse himself?

U don't like it, kill urself, the end of the story. That's how destiny works, u do something that already written in the book, but u have absolutely no idea about it, you're clueless and only God knows it, so that's your free will, got it, lad?

So, that being said, today I have another failure, and in case u still being paranoid and full of ignorance, I'm gonna said it explicitly one more time, " I believe in God existence, and he just do what he needs to do (want to do) so u either shut up or just nut up, simple".

That's for today, see u in the next project.

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