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Today is Logans birthday. I have a little surprise party going on tonight. There will be the WDW boys, Jake, some members of Team 10, Amanda, Ayla, Mark, George, Evan, and some others.

Jake is going to distract him until the evening. I needed to talk to Jake, I've only talked to him once, not including this, because of the Alissa drama. I actually was really good friends with her, we we're literally best friends. And I didn't backstab her like some best friends. *cough, cough*

In this month a lot has been going on, a lot of hanging out, especially Why Don't We boys. As for my crush on Daniel, it has grown so much, I even didn't know it could get bigger. He's so kind, outgoing, funny, nice. He's the only person that I know, who can pull off a tooth gap so well.

And his eyes.

I could faint.

And he's one of the most talented people I know. He can play like 10 music instruments. Like everything he does, he doesn't fail.

As for the other boys me and Corbyn are unsepperable. We're best friends. We're both crazy and we can cheer up everyone. We crack jokes like non stop.

Jonah is like an older brother to me. Jack is like my twin, because he is born on 1st of July and I'm born in 11th of July. And my smolbean Zach is like my little brother.

As for my gift for my dear brother Logan, I've decided to buy him a Rolex. Where I got my money, you might ask? Well I'm a Youtuber, I post covers on my Youtube channel, and I have 4 million subscribers. My voice is the best out of all the Pauls, Logan being the second, and well Jake being the last. 

We all decided about that the party destination is going to be the Why Don't We boys house. It's big, they have a nice outdoor space and the view is gorgeous. 

I'm decorating the house as the boys are rehearsing. Music is going, now playing Symphony by Clean Bandit. Of course I'm singing. 

I was putting on table decors and the song was ending. I suddenly heard clapping coming from a bunch of people. I jumped in fear and then turned around.

''We didn't know you could sing!'' Jonah was looking impressed.

''Why haven't you told us?'' Zach asked. I just stood there a little embarrassed because they are so good at singing and then there's me.

''You're clearly the best singer out of the Pauls.'' Daniel said laughing.

''Thank you, thank you!'' I say a bit sarcastic, as I'm going back to decorating. ''You could actually help me, could you?'' 

''Help me help you, ayy?'' Corbyn chuckled. Everyone laughed.

The next song came up, and guess was Why Don't We Just.

''We can sing this, isn't it right boys?'' Jack said making us laugh.

The boys came to help, I just said where everything needs to be. We finished about two hours later. Logan and Jake are coming at 7 pm. The food's arriving at 5, so we have a spare 2 hours. Me and Jonah just sat on the sofa, looking into our phones.

''Luna?'' Jonah suddenly asks.


''Actually my girlfriend is coming tomorrow for Daniels birthday. I really want you to meet her because you're one of my best friends.'' Jonah said excitedly.

''You have a girlfriend? Why haven't you told me sooner? Tell me about her.'' I said impersonating an angry mom. Jonah chuckled.

''Well her name's Olivia, she's 18. She has dirty blonde hair, and she's actually from Ohio, close where you live.''

''Really?'' I say confused. Suddenly all the boys get in the room. 

''What you talking about?'' Jack asks.

''Nothing much, I'm just getting to know Olivia. Through Jonah though.'' I say.

''You didn't know about her?'' Corbyn looked confused.

''Nope.'' I say popping the p.

''Well what a great friend.'' Zach said.

We were just sitting down on the sofa chilling and talking. 

Until the food came.

I got up and talked to the girls that were going to put all the food into place. I showed them where everything needed to be. I only got like starters because we don't want a full course meal in this party.

So while we all arranged it, all the guests were slowly coming, one by one. The house filled up pretty quick. We were done with everything. 20 more minutes till Logan comes. 

All the guests were here. I was just going around and talking to all of them. I got a message from Jake saying that they are 5 min away. Logan is blindfolded so he can't see where he's going.

We're all waiting for Logan to come.

The door opens.

Jake comes in with a blindfolded Logan. 

The blindfold falls off and we all scream ''HAPPY BIRTHDAY!''

His face is everything, from confused to happy. He starts to smile.

I go up to him and he says

''You did this didn't you?'' He looks at me then Jake.

I nod meaning yes.

''I have the best siblings ever!!!'' He yells into the vlog camera, vloglife.

''This is my present to you, Logan.'' I say as I give him the luxury box.

''OMG, you're the best, you know?'' He says giving me a bear hug.

The party goes on, everyone is giving gifts to Logan and talking, dancing, just having fun. I'm talking to Ayla as I see Logan talking to Corbyn? 

Corbyn is talking to him about something and he pointed at me but I think he didn't see that I was looking, then Logan goes wide eyed. Corbyn nods. This is too confusing. What are they talking about?

I just brushed it off and continued to party. 

Everyone was having such a fun time. I actually talked to Jake that night, and it was nice talking to my brother again. I'm just mad at him lying to his viewers, I know the views and the money but still.

Daniels birthday is tomorrow. And Jonahs girlfriend is coming.

It's going to be lit 18th birthday party.


Again 1000 words today. Thank you so much for reading my book this far, I really appreciate it. I didn't even think that so many people are going to read this.


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