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3rd Pov
"Good morning~" The door opened and everyone saw it was Haeju with a huge smile on her face. Everyone, who was there yesterday, tried to avoid contact with her as they now knew how much Haeju was able to do.

"Haknyeon, can I ask you something?" Haeju asked, noticing something when looking around the classroom. Hakyeon awkwardly agreed, "Do you know why are some of the students in this class are missing?"

"It's kind of hard to explain but it has to do with the 'pet' and 'human' hierarchy." Haknyeon sighed but tried to explain. "Pets are required to take the classes the school provided whereas the 'Humans' can skip whenever they want and can gamble whenever since it's taken care by the student council. So some either skip for entertainment reasons or for the monthly evaluation..."

"The monthly evaluation?"

"It's where you get evaluated by the student council to see what rank you are - it basically tells them if you're a pet or not or which class you are going to be. A is the top class, then B, C, D and finally F... the Failure class. In 1 school year, you can only swap classes once and the time you can is the upcoming monthly evaluation." Haknyeon drew a pyramid-like diagram as he was explaining, "It basically either: who gives the most money to the school or whoever has the best student's academic performance."

"What if you don't want to move classes?"

"You don't have to if you don't want to. Some people do that sometimes like Lai Guanlin." Haknyeon whispered as he didn't want to be in trouble if one of Guanlin's fangirls caught him speaking of the said person.

"Lai Guanlin?"

"He comes from Taipei and apparently he has a rich family background; not to mention, he's on the student council yet he stays in F class."


"Some might say because of a certain food lover."

"You're surprisingly well-informed, Haknyeon." Haeju laughed. With eyes like a puppy, she asked: "By the way, where do most people gamble?"

"Let's see, most people gamble pretty much everywhere here but I'd probably say the cafeteria since most students gather there."

"Thank you so much Haknyeon."

"No problem! Thank you for letting me escape that cruel fate. I'm in debt to you." He said with gratitude in his eyes. He smiled when he recalled the memory of yesterday. Without Haeju, he wouldn't have changed.

"It's alright! That's what friends do!" Haeju declared. Haknyeon was confused as he didn't recall making her, his friend. She grabbed his hands together and looked directly in his eyes, "I saw your passion for learning more about the risky side of gambling. That's when I knew, us, two, would get along well."

Haknyeon awkwardly laugh as he never had that motive. However, he didn't say anything as he didn't want to upset her right now - she was like a puppy, wagging its tail. The thought of risks and gambling didn't settle with him that much unlike Haeju, who probably would bet her life on a game.

Haeju dragged Haknyeon to the cafeteria, barely patient by the thought of gambling lots of people. But little did they know someone was waiting for them...

A/N: Guess which idiot had to edit the whole book because she didn't know how to spell one of the sub-main character's nam?

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