Back in the game 2

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Hey guys! Happy reading.


"Sir, could I get the footage for the week please? My partner was shot to death here, It would speed things up a little if you could do this without a warrant." A guy in his fifties smoking, was the security here. Acting all cocky, my patients is ticking.

"No, take your ass and get out of this fucking place." he continued smoking.

"Well then.. I should do this the hard way." I took his bald head and banged it on the table multiple times, not enough to kill him but enough to let him talk. Cuffing both of his hands behind his back, his head was already blue-black.


"Fuck you!"

I rolled my eyes and continued punching him.

"I . said. please. Give. me. the. footage." punching him as I said every word.his lips busted and his nose was bleeding.

" Okay! Okay! Grab the fucking keys it's in my pocket." I pulled out the keys and threw him into an empty store room. no windows, perfect.

"And sir, thank you for your cooperation." and slammed the door shut. i found the footage, it was on the whole time. getting into the car , driving back to the precinct with Robert.

"That took you quite long." I smiled parking the car.

"Well I have things to take care of."

Getting back into the precinct, I see Colton in front of the monitor. still looking for answers.

"Gotcha something." He seemed happy to see it, it's our lead to other evidence

"Is that.. I don't believe it." we all frowned, zooming into the picture I couldn't believe who I saw.

"He's there, right there. What the fuck."

My heart throbbed,i felt like vomiting again. Running out of the precinct, grasping for air. Rob chased behind me, holding my Arms.

"Breathe El, breathe.." he rubbed my back with his hands gently.

"I can't believe it.. he killed Luke? He's assigned me to this? Why?!" I grabbed Him by his shirt, poor impulse control taking over me.

"Look we could find out, just calm down alright?" letting go of his shirt, my forehead on his shoulders, leaning on him. His arms was tightly wrapped around me again.

"El! Get in here. We found him. We just need to get him." Colton was at the door, I ran towards his direction but Robert grabbed my arm pulling me back.

"What does he mean get him exactly?"

"It means that we're gonna go bust the son of a bitch's ass." I shrugged him hands off, getting ready to bring Captain Morson into custody. Colton was putting my bullet proof suit for me.

"Woah it's getting tight El, your belly area mostly. Consider going to gym hmm?" I chuckled and ignored my urge to tell him that I'm pregnant. If he did.He wouldn't let me do it.

"Be careful alright? Shoot straight, take care of both of you okay? I love you." he kissed my lips, his wet kisses are the best. Kissing his cheek once again before I left, precinct is the safest place I could keep him.


Colton was readying the weapons for the arrest, Captain Morson was a top gunmen when he was in the military, both of us taking him down wouldn't be a great idea.

"He's in the building?" He nodded as our team followed us behind. It was clear, until we got up to the top floor. He was just standing at the edge, looking at both of us.

"Don't come close to me!" he took a tiny step back, if he takes another one he won't be standing anymore.

"Clam down we can talk this out!" My eyes begging. Even though I knew he killed Luke but he meant something to me too.

"No loose ends. Yo-you won't get it! Get back to my place and grab the box I left for you on the table." It started to drizzle and he was right at the edge of the building.

"I don't want a box of scraps explaining to me! I want you to explain to me! Make me understand why! Why you did it!" I screamed, frustrated. Colton rang the fire department, I just need to stall.

"You'll get it. Colton, I apologize for everything. You guys are the best.. best team I got and I'm so proud of you." I ran towards his direction as he leaped.

"CAP!" His fingers brushed mine a few seconds before he landed on the ground. The blood everywhere, his eyes wide open.

"NO! NO! NO!" I screamed and punched Colton's chest, tears streaming down my cheeks along with the rain.

"Shhh it's okay I'm here I'm here." he hugged me tighter.

"I want them to Sweep the whole place, look for evidence. I want files on my desk by the night." I pulled away rubbing my tears off.


"I don't know how to feel. I'm torn between mourning for a person I known my whole career or putting a bullet in his head." Robert and I sat on the couch, his arms around me.

"It's okay to mourn for him Ellie. He's someone in your life. What did he left on the table for you?" I stood up and searched for the stuff he left me. A disc caught my attention, playing it on the monitor.

"Ellie, Colton, I apologize for Luke, he and I went far too deep on this. he was waiting for his sister.. but she's already been dead for years, I was sent to kill him. It's an operation you and Colton wouldn't want to look up to. Your mom was a spy for CIA, she was in DC. She was suspected to be dead but no body was present until.. it was shipped back to your dad in pieces. Just leave this case alone.. Please. So nobody needs to get hurt. You guys are the best team I'll ever have." Tears streaming down my face once more, stinging feeling in my mouth. He brought me back into his arms again, sitting back on the couch.

"El, the files are here. wanna take a look?" Colton looked at the screen and pressed play. He took time to speak and took a seat beside us.

"What do we do now?" His hands behind his neck.

"Leave the case." he frowned and stood up facing me.


"Colton, you have Charlotte and Karen. Are you planning to lose them too? Don't you think we've lost enough?" My voice stern. He nodded biting his bottom lip.

"I'll close the case." Leaving me and Robert alone again.

"Let's go home.. I miss home." Lacing our fingers together.

"Hmmm we'll stop for ice cream before we go home perhaps?" I smiled, I'll never get bored being with him. he's just full of surprises. Spending the rest of my life with him would be the best thing I could ever ask for. Thinking of what Captain Morson said to me about my dad. I think might give him a call, and there's one more person I should call too.


Who's the person she'll call? Comment please! Thank you for reading too.

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