chapter 11

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//Yoongi's short pov//

I'm happy that her strained smile is fading away. At least when she's smiling at me.

//After School - Yoongi's pov//

It was Friday so Hoseok and I went to his house as always. There we met Hee Young, Hoseok's mother aka my lifesaver.

She welcomed us with a warm smile.

"I made you some hotdogs you can go to Hobi's room and eat them there if you want to", she explained letting us in.

"Thank you, I'm starving", I answered giving her a grateful smile, patting my tummy.

Hoseok grabbed the plate with the hotdogs after giving his mum a kiss on her cheek and ran the stairs up to his room.

It still looked like earlier, when I lived here. In front of his couch the big tv where we always played some video games. We sat down on his couch, hotdogs in our middle starting to play a game.

After 30 minutes we had a little break from our game and ate something.

"Why did you and (Y/N) suddenly leave us in the lunch break?", Hoseok asked with his mouth full.

I gave him a sarcastic look.

"Hobi... we left because we didn't want to disturb you or something", I answered after swallowing down my food.

"Yeah for sure", Hoseok smirked,"I bet you just wanted to be alone with (Y/N)."

"That's not even true,you were the weird lovebirds", I answered stuffing my mouth.

"Hey look, after lunch break we three had chemistry together and I saw that you always looked past me at (Y/N). The looks you give each other are absolutely clear", Hoseok said with a calm yet significant smile.

I just snorted rolling my eyes at him, wanting to take another big bite from my hotdog. But Hoseok took it away and also the plate with the other hotdogs.

"Hey give that back! I didn't even eat a whole hotdog!", I complained.

"Not until you admit that you like
(Y/N)", Hoseok grinned.

"Okay I like her as a good friend."

"You know which like I mean!"

I didn't say anything until he took a big bite from his hotdog, obviously enjoying my suffering.

"Okayit'strueIlikeherokaynowpleasegivemeahotdog", I muttered, looking at my hands.

"Sorry what did you say? I didn't quite understand you", Hoseok asked, obviously amused.

"I said I like her okay", I clearly said clearing my throat after that.

"Now you can't deny it anymore hahahaa I feel good!", Hoseok smirked satisfied giving me back my hotdog.

I tried to avoid his gaze because I knew that I would have probably blushed.

"And... do you like Lisa?", I tried to, well kinda change the subject, awkwardly scratching my neck.

After some seconds of silence he answered.

"Yeah, she is kinda cute. Every time I see her I get even happier and I didn't know that was possible", he admitted slightly blushing.

"That's good (Y/N) and I really ship you", I smirked.

Hoseok poked my arm and both of us laughed.

//Your pov//

The whole weekend passed by very uneventful. Our aunt Chae Rin visited us because she also had a free weekend. We watched a movie together and she slept with us for a night.

Then it was monday again. I got up and walked to the bathroom still being very sleepy. As soon as I got out of the shower I already heard Jess knocking on the door.

"I only need a minute!" 

Looking through clothes in my wardrobe I decided to wear some light blue ripped jeans I bought two weeks ago and a plain white shirt combined with black Vans.

"You look cool!", Jess said while I was looking at myself in the mirror, getting my hair ready. "Thanks, you too", I chuckled, while looking over her cute baby blue shirt which was tucked into her black pleated skirt.

We ate something and headed to the bus stop. Five minutes later the bus arrived and we got on just to see that a black haired boy sat on the seats we always sat on. As we walked over to him he stopped us.

"Hey, can I borrow your sister for a second?", Yoongi asked, giving Jess a tired smile.

"Yeah of course you can keep her for the rest of your life if you want", she answered earning a pinch from me, making her squeak.

Yoongi moved over to the window to let me sit down next to him.

"What's up?", I asked because he didn't say anything after I waited for some seconds.

"Nothing. Am I not allowed to sit next to my new classmate in a bus?", he asked innocently.

I gave him a confused look until he answered.

"Okay, do you want to go to our place again this lunch break?", he asked tiredly looking kinda shy without a reason.

"Of course", I nooded trying to ignore my tingling stomach.

"What's your first subject today?", he asked trying to keep up the conversation.

"I have sports", I told him, scrunching my nose. "What about you?"

"Geography", he complained with a slightly disgusted face.

We arrived at our school. 

"See you in English!", I said before we parted our ways.

I really don't understand people who like sports at school. I think it's simply torture. We played basketball and I didn't move very much in the whole game.

As our teacher told us it was over I couldn't be happier. Yes. I didn't like it at all.

So I hurried up to arrive in class a bit earlier, just to see that Yoongi apparently had the same idea. Just as I walked straight towards our classroom he bumped right into me.

"Holy sh-", Yoongi started annoyed. "Oh it's just you", he laughed nervously.

"You scared me oh my god why are you rushing like that", I said even though I did the same.

"I'm not... Anyways let's go in", he said opening the class door.

We sat down and started talking about random things since we were the first ones to arrive. As he was talking to me he seemed so happy in contrast to the first time we were sitting on that desk.

At that moment I couldn't believe that he actually suffered from depression once. But that gave me hope.

This chapter is so shitty I deeply apologize

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