chapter 25

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In the middle of writing down the last sentence, I felt strong dizziness and within the next 3 seconds everything turned black.

//Yoongi's pov//

In the middle of standing up, (Y/N) paused for a second, closing her eyes.

I thought that she may have forgotten her answer but then she kept going towards the board.

While she wrote down her answers on the board I compared them to mine. I mustered her as she continued writing and thought that she was slightly shaking. Just three seconds later she suddenly collapsed and landed on the floor, making everyone else in our class breathe in sharply.

I stared at her for about 5 seconds before realizing what just happened. My heart began beating like crazy and my hands were shaky.

Quickly I stood up making my way to (Y/N) simultaneously with Ms Lee.

"(Y/N)?", I asked, panicking a little bit,"Can you hear me?", I asked, not really knowing what to do.

"Could someone please call the ambulance?", Mrs Lee ordered. I quickly checked her pulse, just in case. Luckily everything was okay, she was still breathing but I was fucking scared.

5 minutes later the ambulance arrived and paramedics took her away. I followed quickly even though Ms Lee told me to stay in the classroom.

As I wanted to enter the ambulance, one of the paramedics stopped me.

"Who are you? You can't just come here", he said, mustering me.

"It's okay I'm... her boyfriend", I blurted out, flushing a light red.

He nodded and let me in. Throughout the drive to the hospital I was so nervous, my heart didn't want to calm down, my palms were sweaty.

While they were checking on her they said nothing but unfamiliar words which made me extra nervous.

We arrived at the hospital and they quickly got in, bringing her into a free room after telling me to wait outside. Hesitantly I sat down and saw a doctor walking through her door, probably to check on her. After 10 minutes he exited the room again and stopped in front of me, pulling off his face mask.

"Good morning sir, are you Ms (Y/L/N)'s boyfriend?", he asked.

My head shot up really quick.

"Y-yes I am", I lied.

"Ms (Y/L/N)'s condition is okay, she just woke up. She fainted due to a loss of oxygen in her brain, it's not very dramatic", he started telling me before he mentioned some other unfamiliar words which I must've heard somewhere before but I couldn't remember.

He also told me that I could go in now because she was conscious again.

I carefully peeked through the door, seeing (Y/N) laying in a bed looking very tired. Slowly I opened the door, letting myself in.

As I walked towards her she noticed me, giving me a confused look.

"(Y/N)... hey, is everything okay?", I carefully asked, making her look even more confused.

"Who are you? And why are you calling me (Y/N)?"

I opened my mouth in attempt to say something as I sat down on a chair next to her bed. But I couldn't get out a single word, looking at her with my mouth opened.

"Wha-... What d-do you mean?", I stuttered.

Suddenly she burst out into laughter while I was still staring at her with a confused face.

"I-", she started to say but had to laugh again.

"I'm sorry I can't be serious in sich situations you should've seen your face just now", she chuckled.

I sighed, trying not to laugh with her.

"You scared the shit out of me (Y/N)... like really", I nervously laughed.

"But you are okay right?", I asked again. She nodded.

"I don't really understand why exactly I fainted but it wasn't dramatical. Ah right! Why did the doctor tell me that 'my boyfriend' was waiting outside?"


"Oh that's a weird story. I just... It looked really severe so I followed the paramedics and they didn't want to let me come with you so I told them I was your boyfriend", I quickly explained, looking at my hands.

(Y/N) slightly blushed but covered it up by chuckling a little.

She was always so cute when blushing I just wanted to tell her that but that's so fluffy puffy rainbow shit that only hoseok could say.

I just gave her a little smile.

"I'm glad you're okay. I was really scared because you just collapsed all of a sudden. Why did it happen though?"

"I don't know... I already had a headache this morning and felt a little dizzy. I ignored it, thinking it was just because of my sleepiness...", she responded.

"You should've just stayed at home... Never do that again, tell me or tell Jess if you're not feeling alright, okay?"

"Yes, I will do it from now on... Thank you for caring about me, it means a lot to me", she tiredly smiled at me.

I just nodded in response, letting her take my hand in hers. As soon as she did that a smile escaped again and laid on my lips.

"When can you go again?", I asked her.
( ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pls kill me)

"The doctor told me he will come back and that I don't have to wait long", she shrugged.

After some minutes of silence, I decided to break it.

"My heart is still racing because of your little drama.. you scared me", I laughed.

"You're so caring", was the only thing she said, locking her eyes with mine.

She sat up in her hospital bed, coming near to me. I carefully caressed over her cheek with the back of my hand. Slowly I moved towards her beautiful pinkish lips. As my lips touched hers I felt an electric shock going through my whole body.

I'm sorry for that cut lol but
GUYS I love you♡
please keep reading and voting and commenting on my story if you like it♡
Love you

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