chapter four

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as rachel relaxed in the bath the warm water washing away her stress her mind turned to the future what was she going to do.

should she try to convince carmen to give her another chance the hought was daunting but rachel k ew dojng nothing would achieve nothing.

as sheblaid there she thought of finn of he future they should have had she wondered if he watching over her she hoped he would be proud of her starting her life over.

she thought of brody and how stupid she had been he had humiliated her who wouldnt be if they found out their boyfriend was a male escort.

then her mind focused on someone it had done for the last few days sebastian she sighed to herself.

" stop thinking about him nothing is ever going to happen he is with someone else he is going to marry someone else" she told herself.

it was so weird though because before she knew he was engaged she thought he had flkrted with her had she made it all up. had she read more into him leaning over her to look at the soup him teasing her about her mug had she made it all up in her mind.

anyway she tnought he wouldnt look at me anyway anna might be a bitch but ehe is a beautiful bitch allher insecurities came flooding back.

" rach are you ok you have been there for ages. " blaine's voice spoke throuh the door.

" im just getting out" rachel called back.

a short while later she was sat with kurt and blaine watching tv sebastian had gone to bed.

" im so glad your back " kurt said to her taking her hand and giving it a squeeze.

" me too" rachel said

a week later

rache, was feeling more upbeat after working six days in the diner and having enough money so that she kjrt and blaine could go out for cocktails rachel really was feeling much more happy this week.

she was walking down the street holding hands with both kurt and blaine as they made their way to a cocktail bar.

" ok when we get in there your first cocktail is on me" blaine said

" your second is on me" kurt said

" if you guys weren't gay i would think you were trying to get me drunk" rachel giggled

" i love drunk rachie" blaine said

" i love drunk blaine" rachel said

" i love drunk me" kurt said as they reached the cocktail bar and headed inside.

within minutes rachel was sipping her first cocktail it was neon pink she had no clue what it was but it tasted of peach and was delicious.

" so i know in high school quinn santana  and brittany were the unholy trinity i think we are the fabulous trinity" kurt said

" your right" blaine said

" hows the drink" kurt asked

" lovely just what i need" rachel said

the hours raced by she was having fun she felt free it was her and her two best friends all letting their hair down she was currently dancing with kurt when blaine made his way over.

" i think i made a mistake " blaine said

" what" both rachel and kurt said together

" seb sent me a message asking me where we were as he wnts to come meet us" blaine said

" so' kurt said

" he replied we will be here in a about ten minutes what if by we he means anna" blaine said

" we should drink she might not be so bad if we are drunk" rachel said

" i like your thinking" blaine said before darting to the bar.

" do you know the full story of anna" kurt asked

" no" rachel said puzzled

" wait till we get home" kurt said

" here we are." blaine said arriving with three precariously held cocktail glasses.

" its called pink bitch i thought it was appropriate " blaine said

" hey" sebastian said from behind rachel

" hey" they all said

" where is she" kurt asked

" who" sebastian asked

" your fiance" kurt asked

" she is out with her friends" sebastian said

" oh its just you said we" blaine said

" yeah my mate from college is here" sebastian said pointing to the bar

" oh" kurt said as a guy walked over to them carrying two pints and handing one to sebastian.

" everyone this is cisco ramon cisco his is blaine kurt and rachel " sebastian said

" hi" cisco said

" so where have you guys been" kurt asked

" we went to a club but it wasnt his scene" cisco said pointing to sebastian

" it was boring" sebastian said

"  a new york nightclub boring" cisco said

" i have never heard the songs they were playing before and after hearing them i know why" sebastian asked

" anyway so rachel do you dance" cisco asked

" yeah she does" kurt said rachel followed cisco to the dancefloor and they began to dance to power by little mix.

" seb told me about you" cisvo ssid as they danced

" what did he tell you" rachel asked surprised

" he said you have an incredible voice maube the best he has heard" cisco said

" oh" rachel said she couldn't believe sebastian had told cisco about her.

" i like to sing to we should all go to a karaoke bar one night" cisco said

" sounds good though i havent sung in a while " rachel admitted

" all the more reason to go to the bar" cisco ssid rachel liked him he was friendly and a pretty good dancer.

" yeah " rachel said

" im just going to the gents" sebastian said walking past them

" i will come with you excuse me rach " cisco said

rachel made her way back over to kurt and blaine who were slow dancing to despacito.


as sebastian stood wahing his hands he spladhed some cold water on his face then saw cisco looking at him in the mirror.

" well" sebastian asked

" i think she is lovely" cisco said

" yeah" sebastian said

" so are you going to tell me why i had to meet a girl you know yet your not attempting to fix me up with her." cisco asked. sebastian sighed before drying his hands not answering the question and avoiding looking at cisco.

" seb" cisco said

" why does everything have to be so complicated " sebastian said

"  seb i know your stessing out but you owe me an explanation you turned up at my apartment told me to get dressed and that i was to meet a girl you know. i asked if you were trying to set me up with her you said no i asked you why i had to meet her and you said just because. now i have met her she is lovely but i dont understand why it was so important if its not a set up" cisco said

" i think im falling in love with her" sebastian said

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