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(Is it bad that we all know what's gonna happen when someone puts up the flowerfell theme?)

Palette's POV

    I groan as I sit up on what seemed to be a inflatable mattress. My hand slips as I fall onto the wooden floor. "Crap..." I fell face first but for some reason the back of my skull hurts instead. I feel the back of skull, a split of what seemed to be a crack there.
    My voice picked up, turning into a hiccup. Its feels like a hangover.... NOT LIKE I EVER HAD ONE. anyway, what happened?. I hear footsteps approach as I turn my head. There stood goth or a blob of white and red. My vision was quite blurry a matter of fact.
    I see him rush over to me as he places a hand gently on my shoulder. I always enjoyed his caring touch. His hand is placed on my forehead, pulling it away quickly.
    "Palette! Your burning up!" he shouted in a worried tone.
    "Hm?" he starts to push me onto the mattress again as I whine. I flop my body onto the bed, my body heat slightly rising. Goth runs out of the room hurriedly, soon coming back with many necessities. He placed something on the ground, placing something inside and laying it on my forehead. It was a rag, soaked in cold water. It felt nice.
    I hadn't noticed that I was breathing heavily until the rag was placed on my forehead and slowed my breathing. My vision soon cleared, seeing goth's caring eyes gazing down on me. A lavender hue brushing over his soft cheeks. I unconsciously place my hand on his cheek, startling him.
    "P-palette?" I took in shallow breathes, feeling my air slowly cut off. My body was on fire, like being thrown in flames and burning alive. "PALETTE!?!!?" the last thing I heard before falling unconscious....

Goth's POV

    "Ooooh, no! Oh, no! Oh, no! What do I do! Come on goth think!" it was hard taking all of this in that my eyes were pooling with tears. I hadn't a clue of what to do, though it was obvious. My mind was going a mile a second.
    Then it clicks. I rush out of the room and grab my phone from the couch. I turn it on and press the emergency dial. I type the buttons in quickly, 9-1-1, all I had to type.
    My fingers were twitching, shaking even. I was so scared for palette that my whole body was wracking with intense shaking. I finally managed to push the buttons and held the phone up to my skull.
    "Hello, this is 911, what is your em-" the girl on the other line wasn't able to finish her sentence before I had cut her off.
    "H-HELLO! I NEED MEDICAL HELP!" I shouted impatiently. The women responded calmly.
    "Calm down madam- err, sir, an ambulance is on its way" the women spoke calmly, only a hint of sympathy in her tone.
    "THANK YOU! P-please....h-urr-y" I was sobbing into the phone as I hung up on the lady. I didn't bother that she had called me a girl, my mind was set on palette.
    I rush back to the room and loom over palette, tears dripping from my sockets onto his face. I could feel the heat radiating off of him. All I could guess was that the side-effects of the potion were taking its tole on palette.
    I had my hand placed on his chest, only to feel.....his chest wasn't moving......

(Yeah, yeah, most chapters will be short due to difficulties, please contact the school board for more content XD, just kidding! But yeah, school made my life a living hell trying to put chapters out)

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