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The night of the court case, Mark and I obviously went out to celebrate.

It was amazing that we had been successful in the court case and that the scum-bag had been sent away.

Once we got back to the hotel we of course made the most of our alone time together and headed straight to bed.

The next day we were heading back home, and as much as I wanted to get back to work with my album promotion, I also didn't want to go back to Mark's normal home life.

Obviously, I had no choice.

Thank God, it made it easier as I was thrown straight into interviews and promotion for my album. This also meant that Mark and I got even more time alone together. I knew that I was being a heartless bitch, but I just didn't care. Love was crazy, and the love between Mark and I certainly was.

Although many music artists hate being interviewed, I found it really fun as I was proud to be talking about my album and that I had written most of the songs on it.

It was also amazing to find out that I had so many more fans that I thought I originally had. They waited outside the TV and radio stations for me to arrive, in all weathers.

One particular day was horrible as it was raining heavily and they were all saturated so I asked one of my assistants (Who Mark had hired for me) to go get them all rain ponchos. There must have been about a hundred of them but I didn't care, I had the money so why shouldn't I treat my fans well?

Of course that act of kindness made it onto the tabloids and of course it had me look like I did it just to make people like me and to gain fans. It was annoying that people couldn't believe the real reason, but what could I do?

From then on, whenever there were fans waiting outside where I was being interviewed and it was raining, I provided ponchos for them. It became what I was most known for.

We decided that once my merchandise website was set up that we would begin selling ''Cora'' ones. It seemed a little silly to be honest, but it was practically guaranteed that people would buy them.

The day of my first single release soon came, and although I was excited, I was also scared in case it would be a flop. I wanted it to be a success not only for me, but for Mark too.

I was up at 5am that morning to begin getting ready to promote "Take What You Want", and was sitting in my first radio station studio at 6:30.

'And that was Cora's brand new single', the radio presenter announced across the airwaves after they played it for the first time, 'Is it just me or is that going to be a number one? What do you think Cora?'

'Um', I began, 'Well, Nick I'd love it to be, but I'm just super excited to even hear it been played on the radio!'

'Well we all love it here Cora', Nick smiled, 'Can I ask, what, or who, was the inspiration for the song?'

'Um', I began, panicking a little, 'Honestly, I didn't really had a particular person in mind when writing it. The lyrics just kind of came to me.'

I knew it was a load of lies, but I couldn't reveal who the song was actually about. Truth was I had started writing it when I was on tour with the boys before Mark and I got together. I was feeling frustrated about my feelings with him and had to write them down. I didn't expect it to turn into a song.

'Are you sure they're not about a certain ex-boyfriend', Nick persisted before laughing, 'Or is it a scandal and it's really about your manager and mentor Mark?'

I knew it was a joke but I couldn't help the shock that ran through my body and obviously showed on my face.

After a few deep breathes I giggled before replying, 'Oh ha ha, sorry Nick but I'm not that exciting. There's no scandal there. As I said, the songs just came to me.'

With that Nick smirked and changed the subject.

By the end of the interview I felt exhausted, feeling like I had run a marathon. Which I could kind of say that I did, expect that it was a marathon of lies. Good thing I was no Pinocchio.

I had to go through five more radio interviews after that and they all asked me the same thing, who was the song written about? Of course I told them the same story (Consistency is key), and all of the presenters had the same smile on their faces when I told them.

At least a live audience couldn't see their expression though.

'How are you feeling?', Mark asked me when we were en-route to my last interview that day, which happened to be on live TV.

'Exhausted', I admitted, closing my eyes, 'I never noticed how inquisitive interviewers can be. I didn't notice it really until today.'

'Well you did great Cora, I'm so proud of you', Mark smiled, giving me a quick kiss on the cheek, 'Just get through this last interview and we can finally go home.'

I nodded, 'Until tomorrow when I have more.'

'Don't worry all this promotion will be worth it', he reassured me, 'You'll be number one Cor, I'm sure of it.'

I sighed, hoping against hope that he would be right.


Hey guys, 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!




Don't Give Up On Me (Mark Owen Fanfic) Sequel to FlawsWhere stories live. Discover now