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Hey guys sorry I haven't been updating but I promise I'll update more in the school holidays

Luv ya :)



Monday 8:45

"Hey Soph!"

"Hey Ells!"

"Wow I can't believe how many views you have! Did you check it out this morning?"

"No I didn't have time, how many are there?"

"Over 1,500. It's amazing!!"

"Wow, I didn't know it would be that popular."


I'm getting off the bus and everyone is at the gate pointing and talking what seems to be about me. I can see ekat running up to me just as we get off the bus.

"Hey "

"Hey what's going on?"

"Everyone is nuts about your cover, people are watching on their phones and it's just getting more popular. You are like FAMOUS!"

"This is CRAZY"

"We'll yeah!"

(Bell rings)

" We better get to home room."

"Let's go"


Monday 4:10

School was crazy today. Everyone was bugging me to put more covers up. When I got home my little sister indie was already on YouTube checking my cover. It has 105,657 views. I'm scrolling through my comments and then there is one from Ellen DeGenres she thinks it's amazing and wants me to come on one of her shows and perform.

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