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Brandon's pov

Making some sandwiches in the kitchen, Ashton was busy watching SpongeBob in the living room, and Hunter's been stuck in his room since yesterday.

I've been wondering what is up with him. I swear he is being a little drama queen over nothing, well something, but it's minor. I guess. Y'all don't bash me. I'm a smol child.

After I finished making my sandwich, I sat by Ashton on the couch. He was slouching looking blankly at the tv.

As I was about to take a bite from my sandwich, someone grabbed it from my hand.

"Hey! I'll have you know I was gonna eat that!", I yelled at Hunter, who was walking back to his room with my sandwich.

"Not anymore!", Hunter retorted, taking a bite from the sandwich. I huffed and muttered to myself, "At least I made two."

I was going in for another bite, until Ashton stopped me.

"Can I have a bite?", Ashton asked, making a pouty face.

Thinking about it, I honestly didn't want to share, but it doesn't hurt to be nice. I gave in and let Ashton take a bite of my sandwich.

Ashton grabbed the sandwich from my grasp, and took a bite. "Oh, that's good!"

As I was about to grab my sandwich back from him when he matrixed me, and ran up the stairs.

I slouched down on the couch, throwing my hands up in the air, defeated.

"See. This is why I hate being nice to you all!", I groaned. "Jesus! Man! Next time I'm just gonna make you guys watch me eat when you're hungry."

I got up to go back to the kitchen. To make more sandwiches for me, but then I decided to get cereal.

Before opening the fridge, I poured some fruity pebbles in a bowl. In that moment, my phone rang.

I ran around the counter to the couch.

"What do you want?", I answered, kinda harshly.

I made my way back to the counter where I left my bowl of cereal.

"Why are you so angry?.", he questioned.

"I'm sorry, Blake. I'm just hangry.", I admitted. "So what's the news?", I asked, opening the fridge to find milk.

"My plane just landed in Phoenix.", Blake said, excitedly.

"You gotta be kidding me!", I practically yelled louder than I should've.

"What's wrong?"

I straighten myself out, smiling, even though he can't see me. "Nothing. Nothing. I just haven't eaten all day, and I find out we ran out of milk! You know Blake. Imma let you go."

"Alright, man. I'll text you when I've settled in my hotel." With that, I ended the call.

I started making my way to the front door and grab my shoes.

"Where are you going?", my mom asked, coming down the stairs.

"Uh-to a friend's house. I'm having trouble with my homework.", I lied. I tied both my shoes, and ran out.

Before I let the door close, I heard my mom calling after me about who left their cereal bowl out.

I ran down the street to Trisha's house.

Once I got there, I knocked on the door like a maniac.

"Can you not pound on the door like you're some sort of criminal ready to break in?", Trisha groaned.

Taking heavy breathes, I started to tell her about Blake coming to surprise her, and that he is making his way to a hotel as we speak.

"I know.", she said, bluntly.

"You knew?", I asked, still trying to catch my breathe.

"Blake told me a while ago that he was gonna surprise me. He just didn't tell me when.", Trisha explained.

I was about to speak when my ringtone interrupted me.

It was a text from Blake. Saying that his hotel room can't be checked out until an hour from now.

"Well", I started. "I think Blake is coming over your house. Are you alright with that?"

Trisha thought about it, and nodded her head.

"What about Hunter?", I asked.

Trisha hesitated to answer. "I think I'm gonna try moving on. He says he just wants to stay friends, which I'm totally fine with. So I think I'm gonna make things work with Blake."

I stood there trying to process what she said.

"But I thought you wanted Hunter back?", I questioned her.

She tilted her head back in frustration.

"I honestly really did, but he just doesn't feel the same anymore.", Trisha replied.

A car pulled up in Trisha's drive way.

"I believe that's Blake.", she pointed out.

Trisha patted my back. "Wanna come? I heard you were hungry."

I was still trying to think things in my head, so I'll I did was responded with a slight nod.

Trisha's hand left my back as she made her way to Blake's car.

'Is she really gonna let him go like that?'

Shaking the thought off my head, I followed behind.

A/n: y'all want a double update? I'll probably make the next chapter long. Because I guess why not?

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