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When I got there ,I went straight to my locker.I put my penny board away and walked to class.
As I walked in the classroom, there were surprising a lot of students today. Only one chair was left available,and it was next to a boy. I don't mind really... it's just that most of the boys here are jerks. I walked over to sit down.
I put my backpack next to my seat and sat back. "Can't wait till this class is over" I said to myself. "Yeah, me too"  I turned my head ,it was the boy. "Oh well that makes two of us then" I laughed. He smiled. We kinda just stared at each other for what seemed like forever but got interrupted. "Umm excuse me you're in my seat." Again I turned my head ,this time to see preppy girl. "Good to know" I said smiling at her. "Stop smiling and get out of my seat!"
I shook my head. "no",I said. "Then I'll make you" she put her hands on my desk.
"I'll like to see you try" I laughed. "Oh I will" she said and went to the front to tell the teacher. "Trisha please get out of Emma's seat" the teacher said without looking up.She smiled and walked back to the desk waiting for me to move. I sighed and grabbed my backpack,and just walked out.
Someone must be following me because I never heard the door close. I stopped and turned around. "Why are you following me?"
"I just wanted to make sure you were okay" he said. "Oh I'm okay...just annoyed." I continued to walk. "Trisha wait up"
"What do you want" I asked as he caught up with me. "Nothing.. I can't tag along with you". I looked at him confused ,"Why?" He shrugged "well why not"
"First of all we just met and second we aren't friends" I said. He went in front of me and stuck out his hand, "my name is Hunter Bryce Rowland" I shook his hand and kinda laughed ,"I didn't need your whole name but okay Hunter". He smiled ,"see now we are friends ,so now I get to tag along with you."
"Okay" I said. "Wanna cause trouble?" I suggested. "Are we gonna get in trouble?" Hunter asked. "Not if we get caught" I smirked. "Okay I'm in." He said jumping in excitement.
{Trisha's pov}
I normally would never have a boy as a friend,because of how rude and selfish boys here could be.But Hunter seems different.He isn't like the other boys I've met here.Plus he is kinda cute.

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