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In a cave deep within the forest a group of witches sat by a fire discussing the deaths of Rosalinda and Passara, Albelenda lead the coven as usual she had this expression of distaste like she was eating something sour like lemons. She deliberately kicked the fire and made the other witches jump.

"Damn that young boy Eric, he survives to tell the tale, be fearful for they now come for each one of us" She said pointing her wand at each of them.

"They apparently want our heads" Florina said concerned.

"Our heads" Renilda said clutching her neck.

"Let them try and get me" Nabara said waving her wand sending a bolt of energy from it into the fire and causing an explosion.

"They don't scare me" Babeth said "I will turn every one of them into pond creatures"

"Jeliana you are the spells and potions witch, you can do this" Renilda said looking at Jeliana.

"I can do almost anything necessary, but it's Eric we really need" She said staring back at Renilda.

"We must watch our backs and signal each other if we suspect anyone or are in danger" Albelenda advised them all "We must also seek out Eric and kill him"

"What about the soldiers?" Renilda asked.

"Kill them all" Nabara said

"Kill them all?" Florina asked.

"You heard kill them all" Albelenda said "And whoever gets in our way"

Later the next night the soldiers reached the edge of the woods each one looked at each other hesitant to enter, Eric looked at Basil waiting for him to speak.

"Now then all of you, listen carefully to what I have to say" He looked at each one of them "I know you are afraid, but we have to move forward and hunt for these witches, we need to do this for our families, the Towns people and the Mayor" Basil was also trying to re assure himself that all would be well.

The sound of night life could be heard by them all, the rustle of branches and the snapping of trigs broke the silence, and something was lurking within. Suddenly they were met by a flock of flying bats fluttering around their heads, one of the men yelled as he held his face and fell off his horse. When one of the troops dismounted and ran to his aid he was also struck by something, blood gushed from the first soldiers head; the second soldiers face was burned by something.

Both the soldiers lay dead Basil ordered his men to enter the woods, and so they moved in one by one. Basil led them deeper into the woods, hoping to catch a glimpse of a witch, each sound made the soldiers jump, they expected to share the fate of the two soldiers they had left behind. Suddenly a flash of light occurred and another soldier fell to the ground from his horse, he jumped back onto his feet, "I am fine" he announced before his head split completely in two. The soldiers formed a circle and all peered into the darkness, Eric was the next to be thrown from his horse and lay on his back with his arms and legs spread out, something burrowing out the ground around him, his hand and feet were being held down with bind weed, this was followed by weed creeping around his neck and strangling him. Basil leapt off his horse and began cutting at the weed, he was joined by John who was also cutting the weed.

Eventually they managed to free Eric, but another soldier had already be strangled by another weed, once Eric was free he sighted a witch flying past on a broomstick, and so he grabbed a crossbow and fired at her, she fell down beside a tree, it was Renilda who was lying with the arrow in her neck.

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