Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

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Being a 334-year old vampire warrior in the army of Death Dealers is dreary.  Especially when the vampires are at war with the werewolves, or, as they're called when in their human forms, Lycans.  For the most part, the Death Dealer vampires are winning in a centuries-old feud, since their superhuman abilities aren't limited to the phases of the moon.  But when the full moon approaches, the werewolves easily overpower a vampire in both size and strength.  Although the Lycans are mostly contained to the sewers and the slums, vampires still work tirelessly to eradicate the beasts, at all times.

Well, almost at all times.

Carmilla flips through a Camus book she's read many times, enjoying the studious atmosphere of the university library.  Quiet enough to concentrate in, but enough of a buzz to keep her from feeling lonely and gloomy.

Being alone without actually being alone.  It's nice.

Someone clears their throat next to her and Carmilla closes her eyes with a long sigh. 

It was good while it lasted.  She opens her eyes to see a small young girl clutching a pile of books probably heavier than she is.

"Uhm, sorry to bother you.  Do you mind if we share a table?" the girl asks.

Carmilla looks around and realizes that since she started reading, the library has filled up.  Her table is the only one occupied by one person.

The girl has a warm, gentle air about her.  Innocent.

As far as tablemates go, she could do worse.

"Go ahead, cupcake," Carmilla replies with a slightly flirty drawl.

The girl beams gratefully and Carmilla could swear the room lit up with it.

"Laura," the girl greets, putting her books down.

Carmilla stares at her and starts to return to her book before catching that her lack of introduction actually makes the girl visibly deflate.  "Carmilla," she says grudgingly.

"Nice to meet you, Carmilla."  Laura's smile returns and Carmilla finds herself involuntarily cracking a small grin in response.

Laura opens her books and immediately starts attacking them with a highlighter.  Carmilla pretends to read her own book but her eyes wander over to her desk-mate, who bunches up her face when a passage confuses her and sticks her tongue out when using the marker.

Carmilla gives it ten minutes before she puts her book down, getting Laura's attention.

"Can I ask you something?" Carmilla asks.

"Sure," Laura says, all too brightly, even though her attention lingers on her book for a moment longer.

Carmilla looks around her.  "It's almost midnight.  Why's the library so full?"

Laura giggles and there's something so pure about it that it makes Carmilla feel lighter.

Dammit Karnstein, what is wrong with you?  Get it together.

"It's midterm season," Laura replies.  "You're not a student here?"

Carmilla shakes her head.  "Just wanted a place to read my book and a library seemed the best place to go."

Not the whole truth, but it isn't exactly a lie, either.

"I've heard there's a bunch of abandoned rooms in the basement.  Supposedly the whole floor is soundproofed from the first floor because some of it was the old marching band practice space," Laura points out helpfully.  "If you ever want to read away from us pesky students, that'd always be an option."

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