It's a Pack Thing

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Laura cracks open her eyes, taking a few seconds for her brain to register that she's in the medical wing at the lycan headquarters.

"You're awake," Perry comments in relief. "I wasn't sure if that bullet did more damage than we thought."

"Nah, she's a trooper," LaF teases.

Laura smiles at seeing both of them by her bedside.

"Are you still fraternizing with Carmilla Karnstein?" a voice asks bluntly from the foot of her bed.

Laura frowns at Danny, the question catching her off-guard. "What?"

"I may have been in my wolf form, but I remember everything that happened. You were talking to her in the trees. Then you jumped in front of her when I tried to attack." Danny swallows hard, refusing to look Laura in the eye. "And then when we were bringing you back here, you said, 'Carm.' So I'll ask you again–– Have you been fraternizing with Carmilla Karnstein? Even after I forgave you with what happened with SJ?"

Laura slowly sits up and plays with the edge of her bed sheet. "Define 'fraternizing'..."

Danny slams the bed frame, making everyone jump. "This isn't a joke! This is war!"

"It doesn't have to be," Laura mumbles down to her hands in her lap. When she realizes she's spoken out loud, she chances a look at Danny, who's positively fuming.

"What the hell are you talking about?" she demands.

Laura tries to keep her mouth shut, but can't. "I think Lycans and vampires should try and call an end to this war," she blurts out. "I think all this killing is for nothing, and we all deserve better than that. I think the fact that this war started over some spat between the Dean and a dead Lophiiformes is stupid. I think people are dying–– friends–– and none of you have stopped to ask what it's for, or if it's worth it."

Danny's grip on the bedframe tightens, bending the metal. LaF and Perry remain silent. "Well, you're the only one who's stupid enough to think that."

"No, Sarah Jane was, too," Laura says without thinking. Her eyes widen. "I don't mean–– she wasn't stupid. I meant, SJ agreed with me, too."

Danny clenches her jaw. "What?"

Laura swallows hard. "Sarah Jane was..." She takes a deep breath. No going back now. "She was dating a vampire. Maybe even in love with him."

"That's ridiculous," Mel growls.

"It's the truth," Laura tries gently.

Danny stares at her as if she's grown another head, so Laura decides enough is enough. Perry and LaF remain still, as if to not incur the wrath of Danny.

"I... Look. Yes. I'm friends with Carmilla Karnstein. The other vampires got suspicious about why she kept visiting my apartment, so they charged her with treason. SJ and the vampire she was seeing helped me break her out," she explains carefully. "But we got caught on the way out and she got killed helping us escape."

Danny gestures at the room around them. "Where is he?"

"Where is who?" Laura frowns.

"Her vampire lover," Danny replies snidely.

"He ran off in grief after the car crash. He showed up to her burial yesterday. I lured you guys away so he'd get a chance to say goodbye," Laura admits.

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