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So I made crappy Art. YAY.  I also wanted to talk about something who would you prefer if you had to pick between two sides of your family who would you pick?

You're options~

1. You're mom's did of the family they all think you're worthless good for nothing, fat, and ugly. At least they want to believe you exist just to mal fun of you.

2. You're dad's side where they want to pretend you don't exist just because your parents aren't married and you're dad had a child before you and your family thinks the first lady is the rightful wife even though they are also not married. But they'll accept your brother who is in the dam situation only because he is a guy and did I forget to mention they are masochists?

Tell me which you would pick in the comments.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2017 ⏰

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