Those Where The Good Times, Harry.

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"Hazza?" Louis says while the couple is laying on the carpet in the living room. Louis' fingers lazily playing with Harry's hair.
He doesn't answer, but the look in those eyes tells Louis more than words ever could.
It made Louis want to say something romantic, something deep, but...

"Why are we laying on the floor when we have a couch right next to us?" Louis asks, throwing his hands in the air, looking like a three years old wanting to be picked up and giggles.

The most beautiful sound in the world, as Harry thinks. He would love to hear it more often, but Louis doesn't laugh enough anymore. In Harry's opinion the smaller boy deserves an uncountable amount of happiness in every second of his life and he knows exactly that he isn't the only one to think that way. Millions of fans would agree without hesitation.

"Do you want to stand up?" Harry replies confused.

"Hell no! Unless you wanna carry me, Harold." Louis says, the most mischievous grin on his face.

Harry, to louis' surprise, gets up and stares down to his tiny boyfriend, whose grin getting even brighter than before. His eyes are squeezed, his cheeks lightly red and his hair falls smoothly into his forehead. In this moment Harry is sure that Louis is the sun. There is no doupt. Nothing else could so beautiful...

But in the time Harry is admiring Louis' beauty, he begins to pout and says: "Can you make me a sandwich and a tea?"

Harry shakes his head and tries to lift Louis up with a deep groan. "Is my little boo hungry?" He first lifts his legs and then his torso. Now he carries Louis bridal style.

"Remember when you were taller than me, Baby. You were so handsome and big and..." The curly lad dreams while carrying his boy to the kitchen.

Louis gives Harry's shoulder a little punch. "Are you honestly trying to say, that l'm not handsome and big anymore?"

Harry sits Louis down on the kitchen counter. He takes Louis face in his hands and looks into his eyes. They look like the stormy sea in the morning. Harry knows that Louis doesn't honestly think that Harry doesn't find him beautiful anymore, but he had to say what he had to say to make his sun, his life, his everything the happiest in the world.

"I promise, I didn't mean it that way. Louis, since the first day I saw you at the X-Factor toilet you have made me genuinely, seriously, honestly, obviously, hopelessly, heavenly happy. You grow a little more beautiful every time I blink." Harry lets his thumb slide over Louis' cheekbone.

Louis is about to cry. He can't cry, but the way Harry carcasses his face is just too much. His eyes get a bit teary, so he presses his face into Harry's neck.

"You suck." Louis whimpers and starts to suck a little lovebite into Harry's neck, before sniffing and looking at their choice of tea.

Harry chuckles, turns on the kettle and gets out a bit of cheese from the fridge and cuts some tomatoes. He turns his head at Louis, who looks surprisingly busy while picking the tea he wanted. He has this talent to look absolutely busy while doing nothing but letting Harry do all the work for him. But Harry loves doing it, because Louis would always grin afterwards and there is not much Harry loves more than Louis' grin.

Louis holds his mug with both hands, his sleeves pulled far down to protect his skin from the heat. He is so happy his heart could burst. Everything is perfect, well, nearly everything.

"Haz, do you remember how you made me a tea every day? And you always woke me up when I dreamed too wild?" Louis says with a flirty glance, biting in the sandwich. Harry gets the other half of it. He nodds while chewing, then he swallows quickly and adds: "Actually you didn't dream too wild, you just snorted like an elephant with hayfever."

"You little shit!" Louis mumbles a bit too loud for Harry not to hear.

"What was that Lewis?" The taller boy asks, his hands slowly moving to Louis' stomach in an attempt to tickle him.

Louis pouts, trying to save his self. "I said, those were the good times, Harry."

Harry begins to tickle him anyways, so Louis jumps to the living room while laughing and kicking at Harry, who tries to grab him again, but Louis pulls him down on the sofa just to kiss him deep and passionately.

"Thanks for the sandwich." He grins after pulling away and cuddles further into Harry's chest. He isn't planning on ever let him go again. He will be his forever, he'll make sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 11, 2018 ⏰

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