Episode 4; Ditch day

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Marks POV;

"Where are we going??" Loren asked jacob jumping up next to him.
"What do you mean we?" He looked back at her and looking to the corner of his eye meeting my eyes. Hazel. "Listen, you can skip all you want but im not babysitting you two all day" he started walking faster ahead of loren. But that didnt stop her. She was stubborn. I like it.
"You know" she took a breathe and caught up to him "this isnt my first time skipping" i was as shocked as jacob was, probably more.
"You have?" He asked.
"Yup! See we dont all have to look bad to be bad." I thought about that for a second, when i realized i was far from them and began to run back up to them.
We began going through a path in the woods dogging hanging branches. We began to aproach a rock. We got up on it and I inched my way to the edge of it revealing a big drop in to the lake below us. I peaked my head over once again to see how high it actually was when i slipped on a small rock causing me to lunge forward leaning off th rock falling, when a pair of hands caught mine. It was jacob.
"Come on grab my hand!" He yelled, i swung my other hand on to his as he yanked me back up to the rock. I fell on top of him as are faces were inches away, we looked at eachother for a little bit in relief when we heard shuffling next to us. Loren was taking off her shoes and socks. We got up looking at her in concern
"You guys are such pansies" she laughed while taking off her shirt leaving her in just her bra. My eyes widened at the scene of it. Damn. Then she began to unbuckle her pants. Kicking them off leaving herself in just her undergarments.
"Ok, lets go!" She said walking towards the edge.
"What do you mean?" I asked her in confusion.
"I mean take off your clothes and lets go!" She said jumping off the rock in to the water. Me and jacob ran to the edge and looked down at the water. She still wasnt up from it. A few seconds went by and nothing. I started to panic when a splash sounded and she came up to the surface laughing.
"Are you crazy?!" I yelled down to her smiling.
"Oh come on live a little!" She replied
Me and jacob looked at eachother with uncertainty. Then he began to strip. He took off his shirt revealing his abs, even one with a scar on it and then left himself in his boxers.
"You comin?" He asked me backing up.
"You know i really dont think this is a good" in the middle of my words he began to ran and leap off plummeting down "idea.." my words drifted. A splash sounded and echoed up to me along with the voices telling me to jump. I thought to myself for a little bit. "Ok your new here and you dont have anyfriends and the hottest girl in the school is down there in just her thong and bra." Then it hit me. Loren is down their and im up here, im up here. WHY THE HELL AM I UP HERE?!?!? I began to strip down in to just my boxers tripping on my pants and falling. I got back up and started running towards the edge and i jumped off. It felt like i was up in the air for hours. But it was the best feeling ever. My body sliced through the water as i fell deeper in. It was cold but i didnt mind. I pushed my self back up to the surface gasping for air. I looked up and smiled at loren as she smiled back.
"That was fucking awesome" i said to them. For the rest of the day we kept swimming and swimming. As the sun set we got out, dried off and lied down. Silence fell over us as we just sat there. I Havent felt like this in a long time, it felt nice.
"So i bet you didnt think this is where you would be standing today" i said to loren. She sat up from lying down and looked at me weirdly "you know, end up with the new kid and the schools thug" jacob looked at me angerly. "No affense" i said hoping it would make it better.
"Hey i can be friends with whoever i want to be friends with." She said looking at me and winking. Jacob huffed at her words. "What?" She said with alot of sass.
"Nothing" jacob said trying not to smile.
"No tell me!" She erged.
"Well, you dont actually think were going to be friends tommorow do you?" He said
"Jacob.." i said to him trying to make him shut up.
"No seriously, a cheerleader hanging with a person like me and the new kid? Like come on" he said leaning back. We all looked at eachother in silence, processing in are brains
What he just said, and what he said, was true.
Everything was quite from there as we just looked at the sun setting in the distance.

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