A Friend?

40 3 9

Tristan's POV

I gotta chase her. She, I think, is the one in the notebook. She can help me remember my lost memories. But I need to tell Kira and the others first. They might get worried if i leave without them knowing.

"Guys, I need to go. There's something I need to do."

"Huh? Why leave already? You need to go to the toilet?"

"What? No! Okay, you see guys. Look  *points outside* I need to go after- Where did she go?"

"Where? Is she a hottie?" An immediate slap came from Risa but Kira easily dodged it. Hahaha he still got his reflexes probably from my teachings. I recall that I have gone to a martial arts school which just like in class, I don't really care what they teach, but I can do it if I try. Natural talent of mine. XD

"Where the hell did she go? Tsk, nevermind." 

The real question is....Who is she?

Cleo's POV

Seriously....I was that close to him. Why the heck did I do that? I should have kissed him right? Wait, the heck am I thinking. *slapped myself* I'm really blushing now, I can feel it. Its kinda awkward now, I can't talk to him, even stare at him. Fudge.

"Guys, I need to go. There's something I need to do," Huh? What? Why?

"Huh? Why leave already? You need to go to the toilet?" It seems so, he looks anxious and sweats a little.

"What? No! Okay, you see guys. Look." He points outside and we instinctively look for the thing he is pointing. Nothing. "I need to go after- Where did she go?"

"Where? Is she a hottie?" Risa tries to slap Kira, a hard one, but Kira easily dodged it. Cool~

"Where the hell did she go?Tsk, nevermind." Who is she? The one Tristan's looking for. I got curious.

"Tristan!" A familiar voice. "Cleo!"

"Apple!" I stand up and hugged her. "What are you doing here in the Philippines? I thought you were in the US?" 

"Cleo, gosh you got taller, from the last time you were just in shoulder level. Now...I iz smaller. T^T" True, she's taller than me but that's like 10 years, i think.

"Apple thats like 10 years ago. Hahaha." She ruffled my hair and "So, how about I get to know what happened to le Tristan or should I say le Lazy Prince?"

"Lazy Prince? Wait...I remember you now. You're Apple Diane Valdez. Known as Cake Princess!" Tristan points at Apple. Poking her cheeks.

"Hey! Don't you ever dare tell anyone the story about that nickname!" *glares and threatens to kill Tristan.*

"Anyway Apple, as I've said a while ago, what are you doing here?" I got in between them. Trying to separate them. Hahaha. Kinda jealous.

"Ah, right. I went back to Philippines just a week ago, forgot to tell you guys but its supposed to be a surprise but I happen to saw you guys. To tell you the truth, I'm transferring to Lancaster Academy as a surprise but I can't hold it so...yeah. Along with my cousin, Celine. Which I'm currently searching for." She now have this worried face. Tristan tries to enlighten her.

"Hey, why don't you just call her?"

"She doesn't respond to my calls."



"Just saying."

"Ah nevermind. Anyway, I need to go. Gotta search for her. And no, I don't need your help Tristan"

"What~? I didn't said I would give my help."

"I know you long enough to know that you will. Ciao." And then she left. I just stood here, definitely OPed by their conversation.

Its a good news that Apple is transferring, another friend that I can talk to. But my problem is with Tristan. What if "IT" will come back? No, I shouldn't think of that. Its already over. The conflict is over as they said.

"Let's go to the club, the guys have gone there and they're waiting for us. I think we're gonna celebrate for Tristan's return." Risa announced. Did these two get into a fight or something. A kind of awkward aura emits from them. Why didn't I noticed?

"Eh?? Late celebration. But its a good time to remember things so let's go." Again with his motives to remember. Please God, don't let him remember "those"? I don't want to get him and myself to be hurt again.

(A/N: Sorry if its short. and if I Cleo's POV doesn't seem to be her's. Really I need to make plot. At least from beginning to mid. To tell you the truth, Im creating this story backwards by that I mean, I already know the ending and in reverse, from end to beginning is the way I created this story wahahaha, weird mind sorry. My problem is how will I drag the story to the end(at least mid). Mid to end is good, the prob is beginning to mid, hahaha. Anyway, just trust me and I will. Comment your thoughts, I might get some ideas hahaha, vote if you like it. im not expecting much though.)

Can You Forget Me.Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon